England London Mission ............................................West Indies Mission
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Doctrine and Covenants 4: 1-7

1 Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.

2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

3 Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

4 For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

5 And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work.

6 Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence.

7 Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


This Christmas was excellent. Christmas Eve we did some preparation for christmas and had dinner with our Landlord. She is the nicest lady and we had a good time. She prepared us some excellent food and then afterward we sang Christmas songs and read in the Bible about Jesus' Birth. Afterwards we talked about the importance of family. We went to bed after learning that midnight mass started at 8:00, and we missed it. In the Morning we woke up and I opened the things my parents sent me and spent most of the morning cooking. We made pigs in a blanket for the dinner and cookies for our nieghbors and landlord while listening to christmas music. We also wrote a thank you card for our landlord. Afterward we talked to our families and went to Dinner at the Collings. We had a great time together and the food was excellent. Afterwards we went home and had a good nights sleep. The neighbors loved the cookies and came over to see thank you, and Our landlord flipped over the card and said she was going to keep it to remember us by. All in all a really great Christmas.

I love you guys and am glad you enjoyed your presents. I hope you have a happy new year!

Elder Ison

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