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Doctrine and Covenants 4: 1-7

1 Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.

2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

3 Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

4 For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

5 And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work.

6 Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence.

7 Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Beach bums

Dear Friends and Family,
I love my life. haha, it's been a great week.
Monday evening we went to see Christian. He's doing well. As mellow as ever. We taught him about the plan of Salvation, and Sister Robertson was there. It was a good lesson.
Tuesday morning was interesting. We were rushing and then the bus wasn't coming for a long time, then when the bus finally came we realized that our oyster cards had expired, so we had to fork out two pounds for the bus ride. Luckily when we were switching buses we were able to renew our oysters. Then I realized that I had lost my nametag, and I was nametagless.... Oh man. But then the day smoothed out. We had District Meeting, and for the first time in a long time I was able to smell! Yes! :-D Hehe, but it was shortlived. Anyway. Then after District Meeting in the evening we saw Justian. We talked about Christ's death. Justian is doing well.
Wednesday was a fun day. In the morning we went to see Doreen. She's soooo pregnant. Haha, it's fun. We had a good lesson with her, and then we went to Sister Blackman's for lunch. She joined the church when she was young because of the Osmonds. :-) She's super nice! It was really good to get to know her. Then in the evening we did some finding. Sister Andersen and I decided that the only thing that we should be addicted to is family, because that's the only thing we can have for the eternity. :)
Thursday we did our planning. Then we went to the Stevenson's and watched the Testaments with Justian. I love that movie. haha, it's the best movie ever. Then in the evening we had dinner and correlation at the Stevensons.
Friday morning we went to see a woman from Uganda named Gertrude. She has known a lot of Mormon's in her life, and has always had a really good opinion of all them. She's a prime example of the importance of always being a good example of the church. Then we went to see Justian. Then in the evening we went to see Bishop and Sister Theed for dinner. I love them so much! They are super awesome at doing missionary work. It was a good way to end the evening.
Saturday morning we went to see Chawezi again. She's soooo cute. We taught her the first half of the Plan of Salvation, and it was a really good lesson. She did her reading as well. Then in the afternoon we went to see a man named Patrick and his wife Esther. They were really nice, and he seems to really want to know what God wants him to do, so that's really good. Then in the evening we went to the Omoruyi's for dinner. They are a cute and very happy family. They have amazing testimonies. I love meeting so many amazing members. That's one of the great things about being a missionary!
Sunday was good. Justian came. Little Christine Fowles came up to us and was so excited because they had watched Errand of Angels and apparently one of the Sisters has orange hair and one has brown hair, like Sister Andersen and I, and that made her very excited. It was cute. Then Sunday we did a lot of finding. it was good. Then I got to talk to my wonderful family! It was super exciting!
Today was sooooo much fun. We went to Southend for Zone meetings. It's down by the sea! So we got to see the ocean. It's pretty intense. When the tide's out we see a lot of mud boats (what Sister Andersen and I decided to call all the boats when they were sitting in the mud). It made us laugh. We went out on Southend Peir, and went out to lunch. Then we went back to the chapel and played chair football. I actually got two people out. It was pretty intense. I love it! Haha, it was a fun day. Also, Elder Cusick has the new Motab CD. It was super awesome! I love it sooo much. It's really cool. Ah, it was a good day.
I love being a missionary. It's pretty awesome. :) I love all of you! Thank-you so much for all of your support.

Sister Ison

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