England London Mission ............................................West Indies Mission
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Doctrine and Covenants 4: 1-7

1 Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.

2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

3 Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

4 For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

5 And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work.

6 Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence.

7 Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen.

Monday, March 30, 2009

sunshine, hailstorms... and everything in between

Dear friends and family,
Tuesday was fun in London. We saw the usual sites, and I've decided that Tower Bridge is definitely my favourite. I love it! It's so beautiful.
Wednesday we took Sister Kuoppala to Liverpool Street. I was so sad to see her go because it was so much fun being in a trio. She'll do very well in Stevenage I'm sure. It was fun at Liverpool Street though because President and Sister Foulger were there. It was the first time that they had ever been and it was great. Also, Sister Strunk moved to Maldon, so I'll get to see her at Zone Conference now! Hooray!
Then when we got back we saw Justin with Sister Stevenson. It was a really good lesson. He's excited to be baptized. We taught him more about baptism and what that is so that was good. Then in the evening we went to see Josephine again, and Suresh came with us. It was really good. He was able to speak to her in Hindi, and he has a powerful testimony. I could feel the spirit even though I had no idea what they were talking about. I loved it!
Thursday morning we did planning. Then we did some finding and went to visit a family that lives way out in the boonies. haha, not really, but we had a good walk :) Their names are Barry and Evelyn. Evelyn is a member, but Barry is not, even though he comes to church with her every Sunday. He's a good man, we just can't figure out why he won't be baptized. It was a good lesson and it was good to get to know him.
Friday was a good day. In the morning we ran into Selam at the bus stop and I was so glad to see her because I was worried we had lost her when Joice had to move. She said that she would come to church on Sunday :) We saw Justin again in the afternoon and Suresh came with us. We taught the Word of Wisdom, and there's some work to do, but it was good, and Justin wants to do what is right so that's good. Then in the evening we went to see Baetsi and Mark. We had a good lesson about General Conference so we hope that they will come.
Haha, Saturday was a pretty ridiculous day. We did a lot of finding, and the best part was that there were like gale force winds, and they were blowing all sorts of weather over us. It was be sunshiny one second, then cloudy, then sunshiny again, then raining, then hailing... and so forth. oh my goodness. But it was still a good day. We saw the Polish family again, but communication was pretty difficult because John wasn't there, and they don't speak English much. But we left some Polish Books of Mormon, and hopefully they'll come to conference. Then in the evening we saw Elizabeth again (who we saw a long time ago, who let us into her house). She said that her brother and sister had made her get rid of the Book of Mormon, and said that it was an evil book, so we were able to resolve a few of her concerns. She was a little scared still though, but she's willing to have us back again....
Sunday was a great day. I love Sundays so much! It was Ward Conference so Sister Andersen and I sang in the Ward Choir. Justin came and he's making friends (which I love!). Also, a few less actives showed up. Also, Selam did come! :) She's so sweet. So did Mfundo, even though he's actually moved to Edmonton! AND! Brother Conteh was called as single adult rep, and Suresh was called as a ward missionary! I was so excited! It was just really good. The sun was shining all day as well. After church there was a munch and mingle, and we went to have a meeting with the Stevensons because they're going to Utah for General Conference, and they'll be gone for two weeks. Then in the evening we went to see Brother Kelleher. He's a good man. He told me a story I really liked. He said once after he had been baptized and had the priesthood his daughter had a terrible ear infection. He didn't know what to do and she was crying and it was late at night and she couldn't sleep. He called the emergency doctor to come. Then he thought he could give her a priesthood blessing. He didn't know what to do, or if he was doing it right, but he did it the best he knew how. He said that right after he gave her the blessing he had this thought that seemed to speak from outside of himself into his head that he should put a hot towel on her ear. He thought it was odd, but the though just kept coming back, so finally he went and put a towel in the tumble dryer, and then came back and put it on her ear. Shortly after she fell sound asleep. Later when the doctor came and looked in her ear, he asked how long she had been sleeping. Brother Kelleher said that she had been sound asleep for about an hour. The doctor said he couldn't believe that she was sleeping, because her ear was very infected and she should have been in a lot of pain. The doctor gave Brother Kelleher some perscriptions, and things, but Brother Kelleher said that she slept through the night. I loved that story. It's about Priesthood power, and obedience to promptings of the spirit. It's great! :) Then we went to see Stella, and it was a good lesson. She's really excited to come to General Conference.
So it's been a good week, as usual. :) I love being a missionary. I love Sister Andersen. She's great. I'm sooooooooooooooo excited for General Conference next weekend. It's amazing!

Mom- I got my package! I loved the pictures. i put my grow pirate in some water, but it sort of exploded.....ooops... haha But I especially love the pictures. Pictures are definitely my favourite thing! :) My cold is recovering... so that's good :)
Dad- yup, I trained Sister Strunk. Oh, how I love her. Man, I have been blessed with the best companions.

Nathan- Good job doing your jobs at school. I love you!

Grandma and Grandpa- I love you so much, and pray for you!

Everyone Else- I love you too! :)
Sister Ison

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