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Doctrine and Covenants 4: 1-7

1 Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.

2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

3 Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

4 For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

5 And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work.

6 Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence.

7 Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Busy week!

Dear Friends and Family,
I love my life! This week has been so cool, and I hope I can remember everything.
Monday was a good day. We went bowling with Elder Hatch and Elder Jentzsch. Then in the evening we went to dinner at Lee Snailham's house. He's the Elder's Quorum President, and he's fantastic. It was really nice to meet his family (his wife isn't a member). It really was a good evening.
Tuesday in the morning we went to visit a potential and found out that he's actually our mailman. Haha, genius, he was busy, but hopefully we'll be able to contact him again. At lunchtime we made over 40 no bake cookies :) We gave them to various investigators and members, so that was super fun. Then in the evening we saw Micheal and taught him about the Word of Wisdom. Sister Bettridge came with us and she was great :) She's so good to us. Micheal was pretty shocked that tea was on the list of No-no's, but we promised him blessings and he said he'd put the Lord to the test and give it a shot, and he's been doing good on that. :) Then in the evening we went to see a man named Govanni who invited us back to meet his wife, Susan. We taught them and it was a nice lesson. They already had a Book of Mormon that Susan had picked up out of curiosity a few years earlier, so that was pretty cool. She's part of some Reverend Moon church, that I don't know a whole lot about, but that's okay :) We're going to see them again today actually. So that's cool.
Wednesday we had District Meeting, and then we went out to deliver some of our cookies. We went to see Shanti. She seemed to appreciate the cookies, but is still very busy. Then we went to see the Gurney's. They loved their cookies and invited us in to see them, so that was great. They are such sweet people! Sister Gurney said that even though she doesn't make it to church she is definitely a mormon at heart. I thought that was cute. Then we stopped by Jill, and she was very touched by the cookies. She's very friendly and her daughter Zoey was happy to see "The ladies", as she calls us. Then we stopped by a potential investigator named mark and got to meet his wife who just had a baby 2 weeks ago. She was really sweet, and even though it was the first time we met her, she let us come in and see little Luke, and she took the cookies. Hopefully when things settle down a bit we'll be able to go back and teach them, they are such a sweet family. Then to top it off we gave some cookies to Louise and Stephanie. Louise seemed a bit cold, but Stephanie was so happy :) It's amazing what a few cookies can do :) Then in the evneing we went to meet one of the Elders old investigators named Carol Shooter. It was nice to meet her and we're going to start teaching her now, because she has some concerns that might be better resolved with the gentleness of sisters :-) Then to top off an already great day we went to meet a woman named Amy. She was so sweet, and even though she had worked an overnight shift, and was very sleep deprived, she still made time for us. It was a really good lesson. :) Thursday morning we had correlation with the Elders and Brother MacKenzie. It was really good and we got a lot accomplished. Then we went around the chapel and had lunch. It was the first day of the "Weathering the Storms of Life" Exhibition which was sooooo cool! Plus I got to see Brother Tony McGary! He's alive. Oh my days... haha... and also Brother Brezzo, so that was really fun. We went around a bit distributing flyers to encourage people to come, and we went around the Exhibition with Carol Shooter who came. Then we answered a lot of questions for a theologist named Jemma. It was really interesting, but what I loved the most is that through all the questions, and in every answer I felt the spirit prompt me what to say. I loved it! haha. Then we met up with Micheal and went to the Stanbury's for dinner. Did I mention how much I love the Stanbury's? It was great. We watched the restoration and Brother Stanbury expressed his desire to baptize Micheal :-P It was great! It was also so cute, because their autisitc son, Sebastian, was sick, so he stayed upstairs. They gave him some ice cream, and then he came downstairs and told us that the ice cream had given him the ability to walk, and that he needed some more so that he could be healed. So cute! It was great and then afterwards Micheal came with us to a special fireside about the exhibition. It was so good, and a lot of people were there. Cool stuff really :) Friday we did our planning and then some finding. Pretty low key day.
Saturday was another fun day full of finding, and then in the evening we went and did teacher training at the chapel. While we were waiting for Elder Hatch and Elder Jentzsch to pick us up at Watford Town Center we did some OYMing in Babylon. Haha, I decided it wasn't my favourite activity :-P , but the Elders saved us and we went to the chapel. They were cleaning up from the exhibition and it was really cool because we got to take some more pictures from helping hands and they had pictures from the pond we made! It was sooooo coool! It's actually a pond, and we helped to make it :) So that was really fun.
Sunday was such a spectacular day. Micheal is like a part of the ward now, we just need to get him to be baptized. We taught Sharing time and that was really fun. The Stake President and his whole family spoke in sacrament meeting (including Isaac, William, and Austen, who are all age 8 and under). Then after church we went with Micheal to the Feredays for lunch. Then we had the most amazing appointment with Kiyonori Asano and his family. He joined the church when he was 17 in Hiroshima, but stopped going when he was around 19. He has a wife and 3 children, a girl who's 15, and two boys who are 10 and 7. The whole family came for the lesson, and all the children seemed really interested. I think Kiyonori wants this for his family, but he's afraid to push it because his wife doesn't like religion much. We weren't able to get a return appointment because they want to discuss it as a family, but we have a phone number and we're going back to give his wife a Japanese Book of Mormon. It was just really nice to teach a whole family, and they were all very nice and involved and asking good questions, and Kia, the 15 year old, seemed particularly interested in it all. It was especially cool to start from the beginning, because they didn't even really have knowledge of Christianity or the bible at all.
Monday was equally as fantastic. We had District Meeting at Brother Gibbs house, and he made the hottest Indian Curry I have ever eaten. Oh my days, I nearly died. haha, but I survived, and then we got to have another great appointment. Not far from where we live there is a restaurant called the Thai Orchid. We got to go teach one of the chefs, Tyson, one of the waitresses, Am, and their friend Pianee. They are all from Thailand and have no Christian background at all. Tyson has looked at the Bible before and that's it. We had one Thai Book of Mormon for them to share and we talked a lot about God and prayer. It was so nice, and they were so nice, and they really got it! They were very happy to have the Book of Mormon in Thai. I'm really excited about them. Then we spent the evening finding and met some nice people. Then we went to wait for the bus to come home and it never came! How rude! haha, so we had to call Sister Bettridge to bail us out, and she very kindly came to pick us up. What a life saver!
So it was a really great week! As you can tell I haven't moved yet. Oh and moves calls were last night and they are taking the Sisters out of Enfield and putting Elders there! I was shocked. So, I'm staying in Watford for the rest of my mission..... that's so weird to think about. We should be moving to Hemel Hempstead this weekend, because the papers are all in the process. So yeah... That's my week :)
New Address (as of Saturday):
50 Tattershall Drive
Hemel Hempstead

Mom- I hope that you are feeling better. Give Sister Shepherd-Kent my love, and also the Gauthier family. I pray for them.
Dad- Thanks for looking that up for me :)
Nathan- You are so silly! I love you!

Elder Ison- I did get your letter, and I wrote back, so hopefully you'll get that soon :)
Sister Ison

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