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Doctrine and Covenants 4: 1-7

1 Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.

2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

3 Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

4 For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

5 And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work.

6 Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence.

7 Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hemel Hempstead

Dearest Friends and Family,
Oh my goodness.... things keep getting better :)
Tuesday Bruna spent the day with us and came with us to see Govanni and Susan. It was a really good lesson and they agreed to come to church and they said they'd bring their two youngest boys with them as well. Then in the evening we went to dinner at Sister Mason's with her friend Vickie. They are both so sweet and they have little babies :) . We talked about the importance of motherhood, and it was really nice.
Wednesday Elder Voneiderhausern arrived, and we had correlation with Brother MacKenzie. It's so crazy. We have 5 missionaries in Watford ward now. Then in the evening, we went to the Stanbury's with Micheal. He's doing very well. We watched Special Witnesses of Christ and talked about sustaining the Prophet. He said he'd prepare to be baptized on 22 August :) . It's exciting to see how he's growing. He also told us that he was actually looking for a church when we met him, so that's pretty cool. It was just a perfect lesson and the Stanbury's are a great help.
Thursday we did our planning and then we went to see Carol Shooter with the Barratts. The Barratts are such sweethearts, and Carol promised to come to church every other Sunday (instead of the first Sunday of the month), so that's excellent! Then we went and got to meet the McShanes. They are so cool as well. Watford Ward is so great. Then in the evening we decided to tract Cecil Road. So we were knocking on doors when to our surprise Marco Martins opened the door! Haha, he's a member of the ward, and we hadn't realized we were tracting their street. It was a funny surprise and then, to make it even more fun, he said to us, "If you would like to come back in half an hour, you can eat dinner with us." It was so sweet! So we had an excellent meal, and found out that he knows more about geography (even in the United States) than I probably do :-P .
Friday (Happy Pioneer Day!) was crazy because we spent a good part of the day packing. But in the evening we went to the chapel and taught Micheal about the Ten Commandments and keeping the Sabbath Day Holy. He said he'd do better on his reading, because he wants to make sure he's being baptized for the right reasons :) . Then we went tracting a bit and it was really funny because the first house we walked up to the guy was just getting out of his car, so we said hello, and asked him if he believed in God, and he threw two squishy balls, one at each of us! Haha, he let us keep them, and then after we talked to him a bit and got his number he also gave us each a packet of delicious jelly beans. Then we went to the chapel and Elder O'Toole (who is now Luke....weird) was there visiting, and the Barratt's very kindly gave us a lift home.
Saturday we spent our day finishing packing and cleaning, and transporting, and a bit of tracting in Rickmansworth before leaving. We got checked into our new flat. It's so nice. I love it! It makes me happy. It was so nice as well because Brother Gary Snailham and the three Elders helped us move in, and with so many hands it only took like 5 minutes to get all our stuff up and in! It was so cool :)
Sunday was pretty much the most perfect Sunday ever. All in all between the Elders and us we had about 19 investigators at church, including 3 families. Micheal came (of course, he's part of the ward now :) ), and so did Govanni, Susan, and their two boys, Alex, and Sam. The sacrament meeting was all about Family History and Temple Sealings. The Gospel Principles class was the "Lord's law of health", and Priesthood/Relief Society was "Sacred Homes Sacred Temples." It was absolutely perfect. Govanni and Susan enjoyed it. Susan already knew one of the families the Elders were teaching and one of the women from the ward, so that was pretty cool. Then after church we had lunch with Sister Hughes, and that was awesome. I love her a lot, and it was also pretty cool because they have their Canal Boat parked directly behind the chapel. Then we went back to our new area in Hemel Hempstead, and went to visit a lady in a home named Kathy Taylor. She's really sweet. We met some nice people as well.
So it's been an excellent week. :)

Mom- That is so cool! I love Nauvoo. I've already told everyone it's my favourite place. Brother Mackenzie has some relatives that work on the pageant, so that's cool as well. Our new flat is so perfect. It came furnished and with dishes and cleaning supplies as well! :) Oh, and yes, that's our new mailing address :) That's so cool to think about the bookends :) I have the best family ever!

Dad- I am in desperate need of new shoes..... and I'm trying to make mine stretch, but they are literally falling apart...so yeah... .I'll be spending the money anyway :-P The character in my ward is "Jane". She's the black lady who helped out "Anthony". Do you know who I'm talking about now?

Nathan- Nauvoo is the greatest! I love you!

Sister Ison

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