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Doctrine and Covenants 4: 1-7

1 Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.

2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

3 Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

4 For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

5 And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work.

6 Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence.

7 Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Oh say can you see?

Mount Kidsmore

Dear Friends and Family,

This week has been a great one.... of course what week isn't when you're on the Lord's errand :) ?
Monday evening we went to Ursula's house and we got to meet her family, and she fed us a wonderful meal, and return we helped her sort through her stuff. It was actually a really nice evening.
Then on Tuesday we got to see a woman named Jill. She's really cool, because, although she's Catholic, she used to live with members, and has had really good experiences with the church in South Africa. She was really excited to have a Book of Mormon, and it was a nice lesson. People are always watching you, and I'm so grateful for the wonderful examples members have been in her life, and it reiterates to me the importance of always being a good example. Then in the evening we went to the Hughes for dinner. We had a super nice barbeque, and it was especially fun because the Hughes live on a canal boat. Haha, it's pretty cool. It's kind of like permanent camping. They don't have a permanent address or anything. It's pretty fun.
Wednesday morning we had District Meeting. Then in the afternoon we went to see Louise again. She seems confused about the purpose of the Book of Mormon, and doesn't see why she should change from being Catholic... so yeah... Then in the evening we went to see Micheal. He's doing pretty well, but we also aren't sure how committed he is, but we'll keep working on him :) .
Thursday was a really good day. In the evening we went to the Stanbury's for dinner again with Micheal, and it was great! They are such a great family. It was a happy night. It was also a very hot day... in fact... the whole week was sweltering! Oh my goodness, but I love it! Haha, I'd take the heat over the cold anyday :)
Friday was so cool! We had interviews and I got to meet President and Sister Patch. They are sooo great! Sister Patch immediately came up to me and said that she met one of my Aunts at the Seattle airport. That was pretty cool. President Patch told so many stories about President Hinckley and President Monson. He talked a lot about change..... so I don't know what he's going to do, but I'm sure it will be great. Then I went with Sister Olsen to Enfield. :-D Yup, we had a workover and I got to go back to Enfield. It was soooooo much fun! I got to meet Alex Berry and she came teaching with us. We went to see Cecelia with her little baby Faith. It was sooo great to see her. She's doing well. She still needs to be married and come to church more regularly before she can be baptized, but I think she'll make it :) . Then we went to see Hayley Parish and she is soooo pregnant! It's cute.. Haha, I can't believe she's having another little girl. Also it was Brother Parish's birthday so they gave us loads of cakes. Haha...
Saturday was a cool day. In the morning we went to Regina and Victoria's house. Victoria is AMAZING. She reads the Book of Mormon and understands what she reads. If only her mom were more active in church. Then, in celebration of the 4th of July we had Pizza and watermelon for lunch. It was great. Then we went finding, and the very first door we knocked on this Romanian woman opened the door and invited us in. Her name's Helena, and she met with the missionaries 8 years ago when she was in Romania. Since then she's lived in Poland and just recently moved to England, and even though it's been a while she immediately recognized us, and experessed her desire to come to church, but she didn't know where it was! It's so cool. And not only that, but she has a husband and 3 children at home with her who want to come, and also, one of the family friends was there as well and he also said he would like to know more. :) I love how people are being prepared. Also, it made me think about how we can't always see our influence. Those missionaries who taught Helena 3 times in Romania may have thought they didn't accomplish anything, but they obviously made an impact on her and prepared her for now. Cool eh? :) Then we went to see Icilda Williams, who is her same old self. Then we traveled to make the switch back. I loved being in Enfield again. It was a lot of fun. :) Sister Jensen also did a great job taking over the area after only being there for 3 weeks. I would have been petrified to do that. So that was excellent.
Sunday was Fast and Testimony meeting and it was so good. The youth are so strong here in Watford, and they have dynamite testimonies. I really felt the spirit. The gospel blesses families and strengthens youth! I love it! Then we had a meeting, and found out that they want us to look for a flat in Hemel Hempstead, so we should be moving before the end of the month. I'll keep you posted. Then after church we went to the Siu's for dinner. They had a friend visiting from Hong Kong as well. It was a great dinner, and fun to get to know the family. Brother Sui is on the Bishopric. Then in the evening we did some finding and found some pretty cool new investigators.
So that was my excellent week :) I love Watford. I love being a missionary! I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. It's so great!

Mom- You rock my world. I can't believe Ian is getting married! Tell him congratulations for me! Also give the Maxey's my love. I have a request. Could you send me a recipe for No Bake Cookies? I would love it! :) Thanks :)

Dad- That picture is hilarious? Who made it? Sister Jensen is from Hailey (sp?) Idaho.

Nathan- You are so silly! I love you!

Sister Ison

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