England London Mission ............................................West Indies Mission
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Doctrine and Covenants 4: 1-7

1 Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.

2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

3 Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

4 For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

5 And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work.

6 Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence.

7 Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Holy Cow! I am in South America!

Hey guys!

CRAZY WEEK. I am finally in Guyana (got here yesterday morning) and I am ok. St. Maarten was pretty awesome, and we were told we would be there til wednesday, But the next day they called us to tell Elder Wright and I that we were leaving the next day. So Saturday afternoon we flew to Trinidad, passing through Barbados, and stayed the night with President at the Mission Home. Yesterday at 4 we woke up and got ready and flew here. They put me with an elder from St. Vincent, who is going to train, but his companion doesn't show up til Wednesday, so I am here til then. Wednesday I get to move in with Elder Wright and kinda open an area with the rest of the Guadeloupe Elders. Apparently it Baptizes alot, so that will be cool. Most likley I'll be here til April 1st, so I don't think it is worth it to send anything here, so just wait til I have further information. I am pretty sure that because I have a Prefecture rendez vous I'll be OK to go back. Its really cool down here though, Its almost like a whole different mission. The people here are really humble. I don't know too much about it yet, but I will keep you posted.
Mom: I hope you had a good visit!

Dad: I will keep you posted about the Camera thing, I might want to buy one here if I can find one. I hope I answered all of your questions!

Steph: I have to write you a HUGE letter, but I don't know how the post works around here... I will try my best.

Susan: I saw the Larsons Yesterday, I will try to talk to them again before they go home Friday!!!

Grandma and Grandpa: I LOVE YOU

Thats about all the time I have this morning, but I will TTYL

Elder Ison

Oh how I love my sleep.... :-P and food, haha

Dear Friends and Family,
Thank-you so much for the excellent Birthday wishes! :) It's been such a busy week, let me tell you.
Monday evening we went to see Bella. She's such a sweet lady. She loves to study the gospel :) We spoke to her about baptism and the Law of Chastity. It was a good lesson. Then in the evening we had Singles Home Evening. We taught the lesson, and we talked a bit about Patriarchal blessings. It was really good. Then we played a really fun game, that was some combination of pictionary and charades using famous people. I always love when we have chances to play games.
Tuesday in the morning my Birthday package came. Thanks! I loved it! I especially love the little jewelry box and the necklace. It was beautiful. In the morning on Tuesday we did a lot of finding. Then in the afternoon we went to see a woman who I call Sister Y. because I can't pronounce her name, haha. We taught her children. They're really cute, but it was a bit awkward because the mom didn't join in the lesson. Then we went to see a woman we found last week named Sarah. Her 9 year old daughter, Dorothy, was there. It was a really good lesson. Sarah agreed to read and pray. I'm actually really excited about them. I think they have a lot of potential. Then in the evening we saw Baetsi, Linda, and Mark. We taught them the Word of Wisdom and they committed to live it. Baetsi had to give up her tea, but the kids had no problem. :) I love them! Then when we came home I made the cake that you sent me. Mmmm, haha, but I got all ready for Wednesday to take to district meeting.
So on Tuesday in the morning we had District meeting. I'm excited about my new district. I think it will be good. There's an Elder Cardon there who wants to ask Grandma and Grandpa if they've ever been to a Riverton Municple Orchestra Concert (or something like that), because he's a member of it :) Then in the evening we went to the Fowles for dinner. They're a family originally from Provo, Utah. It was great. They have three adorable little daughters.
Thursday in the morning we went to see Tom again. He was full of questions, as always, but it wasn't a bad lesson. Then we did planning, and in the afternoon we saw Sister Yetunde (Sister Y. :) ) and the kids. We found out that her brother is actually a member of the church, but he's inactive. We also explained a bit more about our purpose, and how we'd like her to come to church and join in the lessons, so it was good to work to sort that out. Then we went and saw Abenaa. I also got to meet her two daughters. They are so precious. They are moving to Kingston on 1 March 2009! It's so soon. Lisa, the older daughter, was crying because she was scared to move to a new school. But by the end of the appointment with a bit of convincing from Abenaa and us she was feeling much better. They are so cute. Then we had correlation with the Stevensons, and it was good, although I was feeling rather ill, but luckily then we got to go home, and I got to go to bed :) .
I felt much better when I woke up Friday mroning and we went to Brother Beasley's and we brought Suresh with us. It was a really good lesson, and we taught Suresh about Family History. Then in the evening we went and saw a recent convert named Brother Conteh. He's really good! :) Then we went with the Stevenson's to see Baetsi and the kids. It was a really good lesson on following the prophet, and Baetsi said she hadn't had tea allllll day. It was so exciting.
Saturday we saw two new investigators: Nadine and Daniel. I love new investigators :) Nadine is from the Congo, and she has 4 ADORABLE children. She has great faith in Christ, and agreed to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. Daniel is from Zimbabwe, and we saw him with his daughter Isabelle. Isabelle seemed a bit skeptical, but Daniel seemed open. It was a good morning :) Then in the evening we did some finding.
Sunday was great, as usual. I LOVE Sundays. They're my favourite. Baetsi wasn't feeling well so she couldn't come, it was pretty devastating. Mfundo came to church again, so that was exciting. So did Bella. Also, this woman walked in off the street she said her name was Esperanza, and she was looking for a local church. She's from Spain. It was so exciting. We explained briefly about our church and the Book of Mormon. She loved it and said she would come next week :) Then after church we went to see the Mizen family. Brother Mizen is a funny man, so that was good. Then we went to see Joice again. Her poor daughter, Yolanda, is not feeling very well. I love Joice, she is so cute, and I hope we can help her come to church. Then we went to see Bella, and spoke about the Word of Wisdom. After that we went to see Mfundo. It was really good to see him. He seems very confused by all the different churches, but I hope that he will read and pray and feel the spirit.
So that's my week. It's been a really good one, and a VERY busy one. But I sleep well at night. :)
Mom- It sounds like you have had an amazing week. Give everyone my love!

Dad- How are all the boys!? Haha. Sounds like you are busy. Say hello to Quince for me. Thanks so much for everything you do!

Nathan- Yay, mommy's coming home! I love you!

Elder Ison- I'm so glad you got my letter! I didn't know if you would get it with everything going on! Let me know what address to write you at now, once you know. :)
Uncle Curt, Aunt Joan, and Emily- Thank-you so much for the Birthday card(s) :) I did get both.

Everyone Else- I love you all!

Sister Ison

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Red Alert!

Wow, rough week. Sorry my emails have been so sucky lately. SOOO much is happening and I get overwhelmed trying to get it all down. This week started out normal and we were doing really well in Basse-Terre then on Wednesday we got a call that we were moving up to Lamentin for safety, so we left our area and went to work in someone elses. That was really weird and kinda rough because all we could do is tract. We were finally getting everything down and organized when, Monday we got the call that we are being evacuated. Our entire P-day was spent packing up our suitcases. We have been promised to be able to return, so that is cool. We got all packed and were on standby the rest of the day and told to stay inside. We got a call in the evening telling us to get up at 4:30 and meet at the Collings to go to the airport so that is what we did, but due to the strike, our flight was delayed til 4:30, so we were at the airport yesterday for roughly 11 hours. we finally made it here (St. Martin) and are on standby til we can get a flight to Guyana. I guess all the elders are going to a really high baptising area down there and thats exciting, but I am getting kind of tired of not knowing whats going on and being rushed all over. I can't wait til everything is all figured out and calms down and goes back to normal. St Martin is great though. It has lots of american food and other stuff so we have been pigging out. Apparently the strike is escalating pretty quickly in Guadeloupe now, so it is a good thing we aren't there. I am really exhausted right now, and, sorry Dad, I don't have a cool success story this week, unless you count the fact that I am ok and everything is under control. Speaking English is really messing with my mind though! I better go now, but I LOVE YOU GUYS!

Mom: Send Everone my love and give Grandma and Grandpa an extra big hug for me!

Dad: I dunno if I'll ever get legal, not that it really matters anymore! Whatever though, I think I'm OK with an appointment.

Boys: Keep up the good work!

Sister Ison: Strong cat, Really mean, Underfed. Thanks for the letter.

Everybody else: LOVE!

Elder Ison

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Guadeloupe and Martinque Elders

Dear Parents,

Due to the disruptions of day to day living in Martinique and Guadeloupe, we have temporarily transferred all elders serving on these islands to neighboring islands.

In St. Maarten, we will be served by Elders Catherine, Vogel, Anihia, Maihota, Gray, and Neff, and Julian.

In St. Lucia, we have Elders Procter and West.

Elders Tycksen and McIntosh serve in Grenada.

And in Guyana, we have our missionary couple, the Collings, along with Elders Snow, Ison, Jones, Kelley, Roberts, and Wright.

Your sons are safe. The strikes did turn violent, but the elders were relocated prior to anything that could have caused them problems. Guadeloupe has virtually been shut down for 5 weeks and Martinique is following suit. The elders will be transferred back to these islands once a sense of normalcy returns.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions. Each will be e-mailing you with their new addresses.

Sincerely, your brother,

President Robison

Monday, February 16, 2009

Ilford rocks!

Dear Friend's and Family,
I love Ilford! Seriously, it's a great place. I'm excited to be here, and to be with Sister Kuoppala. She's from Finland, and pretty much the cutest thing ever :) . I'm way excited to be working with her.
Well, where did I leave off. Oh yeah! Last Tuesday Sister Strunk and I went into London, and we went to Buckingham Palace, and all these other way awesome places. It was super fun. Plus I bought a way comfy London sweatshirt with the Christmas money from Grandma and Grandpa. I love it! Thank-you so much! Then in the evening we went to the M. Toffoletti's for dinner. It was so good, and I was glad to get to see them before I left. They are such a cute family.
Then Wednesday morning we got all ready to leave. It was crazy to say goodbye to everyone. But I know that Enfield is in good hands with Sister Strunk and Sister Abellan (from Spain). I always love seeing everyone at Liverpool Street. Sister Bidwell is home now.... madness! Oh how time flies. So I got my new companion, and also my new ward mission leader and wife, Brother and Sister Stevenson, were there and helped us to get back :) They are so great! I knew from right then that I would love Ilford. On the train ride to Ilford we saw the site where they are building the Olympic Stadium and everything, so that was pretty cool. And then I arrived at the Ilford "flat", which is actually a house! I couldn't believe it! It's a three bedroom house, and we have it all to ourselves. Madness, haha, but very exciting. Then we did some planning, and we went out to see a woman named Bella. Bella was baptised some 6 years ago or something like that, but she was never confirmed! So we're teaching her again and preparing her for baptism. Then we went to see a less active girl named Michelle. She's super cute, and has an adorable little daughter. it was a great day.
Thursday in the morning we went to see a man named Noel (pronounced Nole). He's the Deputy Head of Discipline at a Catholic secondary school. He's a really nice man, and I guess he approached the missionaries and asked to learn more sometime before Christmas, but he's had a lot of medical stuff going on so they hadn't been able to see him much until now. Then we went to the chapel and met with a recent convert named Brother Yankson. He's really funny, and loves to talk. Then we met with an investigator named Abenaa. She knows that the church is true beyond a shadow of a doubt :) She's great. The only sad news is that she might be moving, but the first thing she asked us is if the church is in her new area (in South London). We said most definitely. :) Then in the evening we went to the Stevenson's for dinner and Correlation. It was great. When we came out there was snow everywhere! I can't believe this weather!
Friday in the morning Sister Stevenson came with us to see a man named Tom. He's from Hungary. He's a funny guy. He told us about how before he found Jesus in his life, he had a hobby, and it was to hit all religious people. But then he said that after he found Jesus, one day he was on a train in Hungary and these guys were harassing this girl on the train. He went up to them and he told them to stop because Jesus loved them. Then he said that they started hitting him! But he said that every time they hit him he just said, Jesus loves you. He was happy because the girl got away. He said that was his testimony of what goes around comes around. Then we went out to lunch with this excellent man named Brother Beasley. He took us out for chinese food. He loves to give all the missionaries nicknames. He calls Sister Kuoppala Nokia because she is from Finland. And he's decided to call me Carrot Top. Haha, he's a good man. Then we went to see a recent convert named Suresh. He's from India. He doesn't speak much English, but he's very obedient, and he loves the church. He's great! Then in the evening we went with the Stevenson's to see a woman named Baetsi and her children Linda, and Mark. They are such a cute family, and we had a really good lesson with them.
Saturday we did 6 hours and 35 minutes of Finding (OYMing and tracting), but it was a really good day! My feet were so tired at the end of it though! But it totalled up for our 15 hours. Also, we were able to see Bella, so that was really good.
That brings us to Sunday. In the morning we had PEC so I got to meet some of the leaders, and that was good. Then we had church. I loved it! Noel came to church :) So did Bella. Also, the nephew of one of the members came. His name is Mfundo, and he's from South Africa. We set an appointment to see him this week. I'm so excited to be here. Then after church we went to the Stevenson's for lunch with one of the recent converts named Samuel. It was really good. Then we went to see a woman named Joyce. He sister is actually a member of Ilford Ward, but she has a hard time coming to church because she has a daughter with severe disabilities. She's really sweet, and he daughter is cute, so I'm excited to start working with her. Then in the evening we went to the Muir family's house for dinner. They are from New Zealand, and I love them! Brother Muir is funny because he just teases his wife all the time. Oh, and I pretty much forgot it was my Birthday until President Foulger called in the evening to wish me a happy birthday! Haha.
So that was my week. I was feeling kind of sick yesterday, and I'm not feeling so hot today, so I'm super glad that it's preparation day, and we're just going to relax today. But I'm soooooo excited to be here in Ilford, and I'm happy that I have a nice comfy sweatshirt to snuggle in :-P .

Mom- Tell everyone hello for me and that I love them! I want to see pictures of everyone. I'm glad to hear that Grandpa is feeling a bit better, and that everyone was able to make it to see him. I love him so much. I love you too! :) I hope your visit is great, and you get home safely.

Dad- Thank-you so much for the start date :) That's crazy about the flat tire.

Nathan- I love you!

Ben- Excellent! Good Job on your Vocab test. When are you going to get your Eagle ;) ?

CJ- That's your name, not Curtis :-P Congratulations on getting accepted to BYU-Idaho! I'm so excited to get to go to school with you! :) Keep on working hard!

Elder Ison- So do you not get any post because of the strike? I thought of you the other day because I saw this shop and it was called, "Zak's Travel Agency" or something like that. But they spelled it your way! :)

The Bowers- Thank-you so much for the Birthday Package! You are so thoughtful!

Grandma and Grandpa- I love you soooooo much!

Sister Ison

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

Dear Friends and Family,
Oh my goodness. This week has been complete madness. Mostly the weather actually! Monday it snowed and snowed and snowed some more. It was crazy, and London as a whole pretty much shut down. It was so much fun though! Oh how I love the snow. We spent most of the day indoors writing post and listening to Christmas Music. :) Then in the evening we got to teach Bijoux. She's so cute. Then we had family home evening, and most people made it, despite the snow, so that was good. Then Tuesday it had stopped snowing, but there was ice EVERYWHERE. Walking was quite a task! Haha. I called about my driving test in the morning, and they said it was canceled due to poor weather conditions, which was completely fidelity rubbish. It was kind of funny though, because we got to district meeting, and Elder Stockton was doing the announcements, and he was announcing about how everyone needed to get their driving lisencs, and then he said, "And Sister Ison's test was canceled because of the bloody snow." Then he realized what he had said and turned bright red and was apologizing, especially since our Zone Leader, Elder O'Toole, who is English, was there. It was classic. Then we went home. We had been making plans all week for Christine to go to activity days that evening, and no one could give her a lift so Sister Strunk and I had decided to take her ourselves. The activity was supposed to be a 7:30 pm originally, but then at 4:40 we got a text message saying that it had been moved to 5:00. It was soooo frustrating. It takes an half an hour to get to the chapel by bus anyways, and Christine wasn't even home yet, so we just had to give it up. I was just thinking to myself.... "Why does everything have to go wrong?" And I said a little prayer to Heavenly Father to help me understand why... It was crazy, because then just after I'd ended my prayer this guy on roller skates (in the snow and ice, crazy! haha) stopped us and said that he had met with Elders when he was living in Spain, and he had a Book of Mormon and he really liked it, and he wanted the address of our church locally because he wanted to come! And then we went tracting in the evening and found four new investigators. That sure taught me that the Lord is in control and even though sometimes things can seem discouraging, everything happens for a reason. Haha, then after we got home for the evening my legs and back were so sore, and I didn't know why,and then I got to thinking about it, and I realized that it takes a lot more muscle control to walk on ice, and I'd been keeping my legs so tense all night to avoid slipping! Walking on ice is a good workout! It made me laugh.

Wednesday morning we did a bit of planning, and then we spent the rest of the morning finding. Then we went to Claire Smith's for dinner. Claire is such a sweet lady. She has a strong testimony, and she is a strong woman. She's faced a lot of adversity in her short time in the church, but she keeps on keeping on. :) It was great to spend time with her. Then in the evening we went to see Lillo, and we had a really good lesson with him. it was a good day. It was also good to see the blessings of being obedient and going finding. Because we were tracting all day, and we didn't find a single new investigator, and we met a couple of pretty rude people, but then towards the end of our tracting a woman who we'd been trying to set an appointment with called us and asked us to come visit her and teach her! I love how the Lord blesses us!

Thursday morning we went OYMing and we met two fairly Anti-American people. Well, one guy who said that we were trying to destroy the world, and then another who just thought we and England needed to do more to help the environment. It made Sister Strunk and I laugh. Then in the evening we went tracting in Enfield, in this really posh area. It was kind of fun because all these houses were huge and on the top of these hills. Some of them were so steep that it felt like walking up a wall! It made it an adventure anyway :-D . Then in the evening we had correlation with the Shah family (our new Ward Mission Leader), and then they took us out and got us a pizza. :) I love the Shah's. Especially Sister Shah, because she's from the Philippines and she is sooo funny. They are so excited about missionary work, and I think that they will do great things for the ward.

Friday was another day of finding. It was actually snowing/hailing most of the time we were tracting, but it was fun. Then in the evening we went and saw Jason. Then we got to see Jean Pierre and Brigitte. They really are going through a lot right now, but they are hanging in there. Royally is sooooo big now! She's precious. Saturday in the morning we did enough finding to have our 15 hours for the week. It was soooo exciting. So then we spent our time looking up less actives on our ward list. Then we went to the Parish's to watch the Testaments with Jason and the family. It was really good. They are such funny kids. Daniel, the 3rd oldest, said, "Jesus was a very bad man" (because he likes to argue), and then Jason said, "No! Jesus is a very very good man!" and then Daniel said, "Jesus is a good man." It was cute. Jason watched the movie so intently, and when they were whipping Jesus and putting him on the cross he even covered his eyes! He is sooo cute. Then in the evening we went to see a woman named Denice. She's a friend of the Shah's who came to church last week. She said that she felt soooo good at church, and that she felt that events in her life were leading her to
accept it, and that if you had asked her even just a year ago she would have never accepted it. I'm excited about her. Then, we went out for Fish n' Chips at Dan's Fish Bar and we met Nez again (he was working last time we went). He told us that we did a very good, but very hard job. He's so funny. He loves to talk about Christianity, and he's a very strong Christian from Syria. He makes me laugh.
Sunday was a good day. Milena, Lillo, and Stacey came to church. Then after church we went to see Prince and Stacey, and they actually ate dinner with us! Usually they just serve us and we eat on our own. It was really good. It was a lot of fun to get to know them a little better. Stacey's going to make it, I know she is! Then we went to see Milena in the evening, and taught her a bit more about how the Book of Mormon and the Bible relate. It was a good day.

That brings us to yesterday (Monday). It was a really good day! In the morning we had District meeting. After District Meeting we had a Birthday lunch, because Elder Cusick's birthday was the end of January, Elder Bonsteel's was 3 February, and mine is coming soon. It was fun. Sister Strunk and I were in charge of getting the cake, so we got a High School Musical 3 cake and a cheeky monkey cake. Haha, it was excellent. We ate cake and watched "The District", and made predictions as to where everyone was going. It was a great birthday party. Then in the evening we went to see Icilda Williams, and then we visited Jason and the Parish family. Then we did a bit of shopping. Then we went to Family Home Evening. We were in charge of the lesson, so Sister Strunk and I made a matching game with a scripture reference, and then a line from the scripture. All the scripture's had to do with Spiritual Fitness, because that was our theme. It was fun. Also, it was soo good because Lillo came for the first time, and Bijoux came as well! It was so much fun. Then in the evening we got moves calls and I'm going to........ Ilford!!! :) Now I'll have served in every area that Sister Bahme served in :) . The address of the Ilford Flat is:

4 Salisbury Road
Seven Kings
Ilford Essex=20

Also, I was excited, because all my predictions for where the Elders in my district where going were right except one! I thought that was pretty good :) hehe. Plus, I had predicted that I would go to Ilford. :-P I'm excited, but I'm also soooooo sad to leave Enfield. It's been sooooo great to be here! But the good news is I'm still in London, and still on London buses :-P

So that's the news!

Mom- I'm glad you are recovering well! Tell Quince hello for me!

Dad- Thank-you so much for taking care of the school stuff for me! Could you please tell me the date that the Fall semester starts? Also, I was wondering if you could send me some of my memory sticks so that I can send home pictures again soon :) (Unless they're in my birthday package :-P)

Nathan- I'm 13! Excellent! :) Even though I think I liked 14 better than 13. I love you Nathan!

Elder Ison- I can't believe all the craziness! I have a question for you. What does this mean?
It was on someone's door when we were tracting, haha.

Sister Arnquist- I got your letter! Thanks!

Everyone Else- I love you!

Sister Ison

Monday, February 9, 2009

Its the 3rd week, and I have officially lost it!!!!

Hey guys!

I don't got alot of time this week, so I am just going to tell you the essentials. The strike is still going strong, I am OK, we had a good week

Love you,

Elder Ison

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Note from Zak's Mission President Concerning the Strike at Guadeloupe

The strike is about over. Gas stations are now open. Your son is not legal to leave Guadeloupe until June at the very earliest. His application has faced many delays through no fault of his own. He is doing well and has plenty of food. He is a great elder.

Warmest regards,

President Robison

Life's Ruff

Hey family!

I'm sorry things are being so rough everywhere. I hope you are having a better week this week! Sorry this email has taken so long to do, I do have an excuse that goes all the way back to sunday. Sunday we were at a members house (The Duflos) Talking, because the dad just got called to be Branch President, and we got a Phone Call. It was our Zone leaders telling us that we needed to call President right away then call them back. I was kinda freaked out, to say the least. We called president to find out what was goin' down and it was a bad connection. We had to wait another hour or so to finally get the news. He decided that everyone that could leave the Island would. Immediatley. So Elder Biver had to pack his bags in one evening and get outta here. I found out I was to stay in Basse Terre and this time be with Elder Jones. Also, Because of the amount of elders leaving, they closed 2 areas, and added the Capesterre area to ours. We now have most of the Basse Terre Island to ourselves now. Elder Wright, my mission buddy, is now Zone leader. This was a pretty sudden development, but, It is all done now! Basically transfers came 2 weeks early! Also, the strike is still going on, but we did get gas tuesday. Today was the first chance that I got to email everyone! I am glad everybody is doing relativley good now, and no one is under the knife anymore. How are you? This past week was pretty good. We found some cool new investigators who are really sincere. We also have been teaching Pascal and he is doing great. He still is reading and progressing, and we are still praying for his Grandma to soften her heart. My studies have been really good. I started going back through the PMG checklist, And am trying to finish it before you leave. We have also been working with the members pretty well and they are starting to pick up the pace. My testimony is ever stonger and I am really excited to work with Elder Jones and This area. Other than that, I hope to be able to email the correct time next week so I'm not so rushed, and Have a good rest of the week!


Elder Ison

Monday, February 2, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snoooooww....

Dear Friends and Family,
How are you! Oh my goodness this week has been such madness.
Monday we had interviews and it went well, but then when we went to go home our train had a door malfunction, so we had to take a bus and it took us so long to get home, and actually we didn't get home at all, but we went straight to our dinner appointment because we would be late otherwise, but it worked out, and we made it on time. We got to meet Patryk and Artur's mom and little brother, and she made us some very good Polish food, yum :) So it was good.
Then on Tuesday we had district meeting, and afterwards we went out to eat. Oh how I love fish and chips....yummy :) Then in the evening we had two dinner appointments! Haha, we went to see Maryam and Arad. Arad is so cute, and she fed us, and then we went to the Berridges and they fed us a huge roast lamb dinner. But it was very delicious, and a great evening. Then we went to see Hayley.
Wednesday morning was kind of madness, because we spent all morning on the phone (our mobile still wasn't working so we had to borrow the Parish's phone), but then we went out to Palmer's Green, and we went out for lunch at this little Italian place, and our waiter was hilarious! He danced around the tables like a ballroom dancer, and actually reminded us quite a bit of the chef from Ratatioulle (The one with the rat on his head). He loved us as well, because he said that he had met Elders in Italy, and he really admired us for doing God's work. He told us that he was going to write a book about how evolution and God can coexsist. He said, "My name is Antonio, but my friends call me Tony, so please call me Tony!" He totally made Sister Strunk's and my day. Then we did some tracting before we went to see Brigitte. It was so good to see her. Her and Jean Pierre have been going through a lot lately and traveling all around, but they are hanging in there. Then in the evening we were meant to see Cecelia, but her Baby was giving her pains and she was sleeping so we weren't able to see her.
Thursday in the morning I had driving practice again. Ralph, my instructor, said that my driving is good so I'm crossing my fingers. Then, we went to see Sister Berry for lunch. Her son James was home because some kid at school had whacked him on the head with a chair! He had a nasty cut and some stitches, and a bit of a black eye. Poor kid! Then we went home to do some planning but I just could not focus, so Sister Strunk and I decided to move our planning to Friday (because we had a bit of time) and go do some finding. So we did a bit of finding, and then we went to see Toto. We had to drop her, because she doesn't seem to want to do anything, which was so sad, but we told her to call us if she ever feels ready. Then we went to see Milena and Rosa came with us. We taught the Law of Chastity and it was a really good lesson! I love Rosa, she's sooo cute. Then we went up to the church to see Lillo. He's doing well, and he seemed to be quite happy! It was a really good lesson, and I think that he's getting there, even though he's taking it a bit slow.
Friday morning I had my last driving lesson with Ralph. He took me around the testing center to get me used to the area, and then he had me practice emergency stops. That's scary let me tell you. You have to get going 20 mph and then just slam on the brakes while maintaining control of the car. Then we came home and we found in the post our new phone!!!! It was sooooo exciting. It had been quite a rough week without it. So we did some planning in the morning, and then we went to lunch at the ACC. I got a good old American Brat, yummy :) Then we did some finding out in Cockfosters and it was FREEZING! Seriously, Sister Strunk and I nearly died. Then we had this one man who just kept going on and on and on and on about how we don't need anything but Jesus Christ... and no joke by the time we got away from that door neither Sister Strunk or I could feel our feet! It made walking quite a task, but then we got to go inside and have dinner with our Ward mission leader and his wife. It was really good. :) Saturday morning we went to see Hayley and the family. Her kids our quite a handful, but it was fun to be part of the chaos. :) They also have a dog named Treacle now. He's a Lab mix, and he's actually one of the most well behaved dogs I've ever seen, which is good, because that house doesn't need any more chaos :) We also got to talk to David a bit, and try and figure out a bit more what's going on with Jason. Poor Jason is just devastated he hasn't been baptized yet, but we are working hard. Then after lunch we did some more finding, and it was sooo cold again, and some Muslim guy kept going on and on and on about how we were leading souls to hell, and we left that door with a familiar numbness in our feet. But we survived and we're stronger for it :) And we got to see Cecelia. The poor girl is struggling a lot with pain from her baby kicking, but she was sweet enough to make time for us even though you could tell she was uncomfortable. Then we came home and made some phone calls and went to bed.
Sunday was an AMAZING day. I just loved church. Fast and testimony meeting is definitely my favourite. Bijoux, Milena, Lillo, Stacey, and Denice all came. Denice is a friend of the Ward Mission leader. She LOVED church, and she said that when we explained the Holy Ghost (the topic of the gospel principle's lesson) it all began to make sense. We're excited about her. Bijoux, and Lillo and practically members of the ward already, and Stacey seemed very happy to be there. Milena also was fasting so she could find a job! Like I said, an amazing Sunday. I left there feeling greatly uplifted. Oh how I love the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Then Sister Strunk and I went out tracting, and it was sooooooooo cold and windy. We were sooo numb, haha. It's becoming a familiar feeling, but it was still good, and then we got to see Bijoux. We taught her the plan of salvation, and she loved it! Then we went to have dinner with the Tercenos. Sister Terceno is in a lot of pain from some sort of condition with a tendon in her chest. Sister Strunk and I feel so sorry for her, and wish we could help, but Brother Terceno is looking after her (aw :-P) and Milena is there to help as well, so that's good. Then we went to see David and Hayley. David opened up to us a bit about how it's so hard to go back to church, but he really wants to, and he wants to do what's best for his kids. So we're just trying to work to support him and help Jason as best as we can now. When we went into that lesson everything was clear, by the time we came out of that lesson that was a good half an inch of snow on the ground! It was crazy! I never knew it snowed in London. Haha, so Sister Strunk and I came home and went to bed.
Then this morning we woke up and got ready to do some heavy duty cleaning. Because of the cold and the damp nature of England we had discovered some mold growing in our room, so we decided to attack it with some bleach. Little did we know that it was actually a large black monster waiting to eat us lurking behind out wardrobe. Haha, just kidding, but it was gross. So we conquered it with some bleach, and hopefully that will keep it under control. Haha, oh memories. We took pictures, so you can see some time :-P Oh and there is sooooooooo much snow outside! The Public transport has been shut down, and it's still snowing, a lot! I took some pictures of that too :) I'm so excited. It makes me feel like a little kid, haha.
So that's been my week. Crazy, but still good, especially the end! The church is true, that's all there is to it, and people are attacking it from every side, and Satan's throwing out as much opposition as he can, but the work will continue moving forward! :) Thank-you so much to everyone for your prayers and support.

Oh, and tomorrow should be my driving test, so please everyone who reads this, pray that the snow will stop so that I can take the test and that I will pass it :-D Thanks.

Mom- Oh man, I'm sorry that your surgery was painful, but I'm glad to hear that you are recovering well. Tell Erin "Hello!" Also, it would really help me out a lot if you could get me the information about school so I can know when registration is and when school starts in the fall, thank-you!

Dad- Haha, you probably have us beaten for snow, but still I never expected to see this much snow in London! I'm so excited for CJ to have his auditions! Is he applying anywhere else?

Nathan- Oh, those are some great songs. How did you know that I loved Little Miss Muffet? :) Love you!

Everyone else- I love you! Thank-you so much for everything you do!

Sister Ison