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Doctrine and Covenants 4: 1-7

1 Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.

2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

3 Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

4 For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

5 And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work.

6 Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence.

7 Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Oh how I love my sleep.... :-P and food, haha

Dear Friends and Family,
Thank-you so much for the excellent Birthday wishes! :) It's been such a busy week, let me tell you.
Monday evening we went to see Bella. She's such a sweet lady. She loves to study the gospel :) We spoke to her about baptism and the Law of Chastity. It was a good lesson. Then in the evening we had Singles Home Evening. We taught the lesson, and we talked a bit about Patriarchal blessings. It was really good. Then we played a really fun game, that was some combination of pictionary and charades using famous people. I always love when we have chances to play games.
Tuesday in the morning my Birthday package came. Thanks! I loved it! I especially love the little jewelry box and the necklace. It was beautiful. In the morning on Tuesday we did a lot of finding. Then in the afternoon we went to see a woman who I call Sister Y. because I can't pronounce her name, haha. We taught her children. They're really cute, but it was a bit awkward because the mom didn't join in the lesson. Then we went to see a woman we found last week named Sarah. Her 9 year old daughter, Dorothy, was there. It was a really good lesson. Sarah agreed to read and pray. I'm actually really excited about them. I think they have a lot of potential. Then in the evening we saw Baetsi, Linda, and Mark. We taught them the Word of Wisdom and they committed to live it. Baetsi had to give up her tea, but the kids had no problem. :) I love them! Then when we came home I made the cake that you sent me. Mmmm, haha, but I got all ready for Wednesday to take to district meeting.
So on Tuesday in the morning we had District meeting. I'm excited about my new district. I think it will be good. There's an Elder Cardon there who wants to ask Grandma and Grandpa if they've ever been to a Riverton Municple Orchestra Concert (or something like that), because he's a member of it :) Then in the evening we went to the Fowles for dinner. They're a family originally from Provo, Utah. It was great. They have three adorable little daughters.
Thursday in the morning we went to see Tom again. He was full of questions, as always, but it wasn't a bad lesson. Then we did planning, and in the afternoon we saw Sister Yetunde (Sister Y. :) ) and the kids. We found out that her brother is actually a member of the church, but he's inactive. We also explained a bit more about our purpose, and how we'd like her to come to church and join in the lessons, so it was good to work to sort that out. Then we went and saw Abenaa. I also got to meet her two daughters. They are so precious. They are moving to Kingston on 1 March 2009! It's so soon. Lisa, the older daughter, was crying because she was scared to move to a new school. But by the end of the appointment with a bit of convincing from Abenaa and us she was feeling much better. They are so cute. Then we had correlation with the Stevensons, and it was good, although I was feeling rather ill, but luckily then we got to go home, and I got to go to bed :) .
I felt much better when I woke up Friday mroning and we went to Brother Beasley's and we brought Suresh with us. It was a really good lesson, and we taught Suresh about Family History. Then in the evening we went and saw a recent convert named Brother Conteh. He's really good! :) Then we went with the Stevenson's to see Baetsi and the kids. It was a really good lesson on following the prophet, and Baetsi said she hadn't had tea allllll day. It was so exciting.
Saturday we saw two new investigators: Nadine and Daniel. I love new investigators :) Nadine is from the Congo, and she has 4 ADORABLE children. She has great faith in Christ, and agreed to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. Daniel is from Zimbabwe, and we saw him with his daughter Isabelle. Isabelle seemed a bit skeptical, but Daniel seemed open. It was a good morning :) Then in the evening we did some finding.
Sunday was great, as usual. I LOVE Sundays. They're my favourite. Baetsi wasn't feeling well so she couldn't come, it was pretty devastating. Mfundo came to church again, so that was exciting. So did Bella. Also, this woman walked in off the street she said her name was Esperanza, and she was looking for a local church. She's from Spain. It was so exciting. We explained briefly about our church and the Book of Mormon. She loved it and said she would come next week :) Then after church we went to see the Mizen family. Brother Mizen is a funny man, so that was good. Then we went to see Joice again. Her poor daughter, Yolanda, is not feeling very well. I love Joice, she is so cute, and I hope we can help her come to church. Then we went to see Bella, and spoke about the Word of Wisdom. After that we went to see Mfundo. It was really good to see him. He seems very confused by all the different churches, but I hope that he will read and pray and feel the spirit.
So that's my week. It's been a really good one, and a VERY busy one. But I sleep well at night. :)
Mom- It sounds like you have had an amazing week. Give everyone my love!

Dad- How are all the boys!? Haha. Sounds like you are busy. Say hello to Quince for me. Thanks so much for everything you do!

Nathan- Yay, mommy's coming home! I love you!

Elder Ison- I'm so glad you got my letter! I didn't know if you would get it with everything going on! Let me know what address to write you at now, once you know. :)
Uncle Curt, Aunt Joan, and Emily- Thank-you so much for the Birthday card(s) :) I did get both.

Everyone Else- I love you all!

Sister Ison

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