England London Mission ............................................West Indies Mission
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Doctrine and Covenants 4: 1-7

1 Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.

2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

3 Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

4 For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

5 And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work.

6 Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence.

7 Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snoooooww....

Dear Friends and Family,
How are you! Oh my goodness this week has been such madness.
Monday we had interviews and it went well, but then when we went to go home our train had a door malfunction, so we had to take a bus and it took us so long to get home, and actually we didn't get home at all, but we went straight to our dinner appointment because we would be late otherwise, but it worked out, and we made it on time. We got to meet Patryk and Artur's mom and little brother, and she made us some very good Polish food, yum :) So it was good.
Then on Tuesday we had district meeting, and afterwards we went out to eat. Oh how I love fish and chips....yummy :) Then in the evening we had two dinner appointments! Haha, we went to see Maryam and Arad. Arad is so cute, and she fed us, and then we went to the Berridges and they fed us a huge roast lamb dinner. But it was very delicious, and a great evening. Then we went to see Hayley.
Wednesday morning was kind of madness, because we spent all morning on the phone (our mobile still wasn't working so we had to borrow the Parish's phone), but then we went out to Palmer's Green, and we went out for lunch at this little Italian place, and our waiter was hilarious! He danced around the tables like a ballroom dancer, and actually reminded us quite a bit of the chef from Ratatioulle (The one with the rat on his head). He loved us as well, because he said that he had met Elders in Italy, and he really admired us for doing God's work. He told us that he was going to write a book about how evolution and God can coexsist. He said, "My name is Antonio, but my friends call me Tony, so please call me Tony!" He totally made Sister Strunk's and my day. Then we did some tracting before we went to see Brigitte. It was so good to see her. Her and Jean Pierre have been going through a lot lately and traveling all around, but they are hanging in there. Then in the evening we were meant to see Cecelia, but her Baby was giving her pains and she was sleeping so we weren't able to see her.
Thursday in the morning I had driving practice again. Ralph, my instructor, said that my driving is good so I'm crossing my fingers. Then, we went to see Sister Berry for lunch. Her son James was home because some kid at school had whacked him on the head with a chair! He had a nasty cut and some stitches, and a bit of a black eye. Poor kid! Then we went home to do some planning but I just could not focus, so Sister Strunk and I decided to move our planning to Friday (because we had a bit of time) and go do some finding. So we did a bit of finding, and then we went to see Toto. We had to drop her, because she doesn't seem to want to do anything, which was so sad, but we told her to call us if she ever feels ready. Then we went to see Milena and Rosa came with us. We taught the Law of Chastity and it was a really good lesson! I love Rosa, she's sooo cute. Then we went up to the church to see Lillo. He's doing well, and he seemed to be quite happy! It was a really good lesson, and I think that he's getting there, even though he's taking it a bit slow.
Friday morning I had my last driving lesson with Ralph. He took me around the testing center to get me used to the area, and then he had me practice emergency stops. That's scary let me tell you. You have to get going 20 mph and then just slam on the brakes while maintaining control of the car. Then we came home and we found in the post our new phone!!!! It was sooooo exciting. It had been quite a rough week without it. So we did some planning in the morning, and then we went to lunch at the ACC. I got a good old American Brat, yummy :) Then we did some finding out in Cockfosters and it was FREEZING! Seriously, Sister Strunk and I nearly died. Then we had this one man who just kept going on and on and on and on about how we don't need anything but Jesus Christ... and no joke by the time we got away from that door neither Sister Strunk or I could feel our feet! It made walking quite a task, but then we got to go inside and have dinner with our Ward mission leader and his wife. It was really good. :) Saturday morning we went to see Hayley and the family. Her kids our quite a handful, but it was fun to be part of the chaos. :) They also have a dog named Treacle now. He's a Lab mix, and he's actually one of the most well behaved dogs I've ever seen, which is good, because that house doesn't need any more chaos :) We also got to talk to David a bit, and try and figure out a bit more what's going on with Jason. Poor Jason is just devastated he hasn't been baptized yet, but we are working hard. Then after lunch we did some more finding, and it was sooo cold again, and some Muslim guy kept going on and on and on about how we were leading souls to hell, and we left that door with a familiar numbness in our feet. But we survived and we're stronger for it :) And we got to see Cecelia. The poor girl is struggling a lot with pain from her baby kicking, but she was sweet enough to make time for us even though you could tell she was uncomfortable. Then we came home and made some phone calls and went to bed.
Sunday was an AMAZING day. I just loved church. Fast and testimony meeting is definitely my favourite. Bijoux, Milena, Lillo, Stacey, and Denice all came. Denice is a friend of the Ward Mission leader. She LOVED church, and she said that when we explained the Holy Ghost (the topic of the gospel principle's lesson) it all began to make sense. We're excited about her. Bijoux, and Lillo and practically members of the ward already, and Stacey seemed very happy to be there. Milena also was fasting so she could find a job! Like I said, an amazing Sunday. I left there feeling greatly uplifted. Oh how I love the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Then Sister Strunk and I went out tracting, and it was sooooooooo cold and windy. We were sooo numb, haha. It's becoming a familiar feeling, but it was still good, and then we got to see Bijoux. We taught her the plan of salvation, and she loved it! Then we went to have dinner with the Tercenos. Sister Terceno is in a lot of pain from some sort of condition with a tendon in her chest. Sister Strunk and I feel so sorry for her, and wish we could help, but Brother Terceno is looking after her (aw :-P) and Milena is there to help as well, so that's good. Then we went to see David and Hayley. David opened up to us a bit about how it's so hard to go back to church, but he really wants to, and he wants to do what's best for his kids. So we're just trying to work to support him and help Jason as best as we can now. When we went into that lesson everything was clear, by the time we came out of that lesson that was a good half an inch of snow on the ground! It was crazy! I never knew it snowed in London. Haha, so Sister Strunk and I came home and went to bed.
Then this morning we woke up and got ready to do some heavy duty cleaning. Because of the cold and the damp nature of England we had discovered some mold growing in our room, so we decided to attack it with some bleach. Little did we know that it was actually a large black monster waiting to eat us lurking behind out wardrobe. Haha, just kidding, but it was gross. So we conquered it with some bleach, and hopefully that will keep it under control. Haha, oh memories. We took pictures, so you can see some time :-P Oh and there is sooooooooo much snow outside! The Public transport has been shut down, and it's still snowing, a lot! I took some pictures of that too :) I'm so excited. It makes me feel like a little kid, haha.
So that's been my week. Crazy, but still good, especially the end! The church is true, that's all there is to it, and people are attacking it from every side, and Satan's throwing out as much opposition as he can, but the work will continue moving forward! :) Thank-you so much to everyone for your prayers and support.

Oh, and tomorrow should be my driving test, so please everyone who reads this, pray that the snow will stop so that I can take the test and that I will pass it :-D Thanks.

Mom- Oh man, I'm sorry that your surgery was painful, but I'm glad to hear that you are recovering well. Tell Erin "Hello!" Also, it would really help me out a lot if you could get me the information about school so I can know when registration is and when school starts in the fall, thank-you!

Dad- Haha, you probably have us beaten for snow, but still I never expected to see this much snow in London! I'm so excited for CJ to have his auditions! Is he applying anywhere else?

Nathan- Oh, those are some great songs. How did you know that I loved Little Miss Muffet? :) Love you!

Everyone else- I love you! Thank-you so much for everything you do!

Sister Ison

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