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Doctrine and Covenants 4: 1-7

1 Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.

2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

3 Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

4 For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

5 And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work.

6 Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence.

7 Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen.

Monday, August 10, 2009

I love my family! :)

Dear Friends and Family,
How are you!? Life is great. Being a missionary is the best thing ever.
Monday night at the Snailham's was great as usual. They are a cute family.
Tuesday was also a good day. We went finding in the morning, and we met this woman named Elizabeth who immediately let us in. She's a very wise woman, and understands a lot, especially about the importance of the family. It was a nice lsson. Then in the evening we had an appointment with another woman named Dominique. She's from France. It was a great appointment, and I love how the spirit gives us the words to speak. Dominique didn't understand the point of going to church because she believes God is everywhere and in everything. I wasn't sure what to say, but the spirit definitely gave me the words, and I was able to explain how she was right in that God will listen to and answer our prayers no matter where we are, but he's given us the church in order to have access to the highest of his blessings. it was cool :)
Wednesday was awesome! The Elders were picking us up for District meeting so at around 9:30 am when there was a knock on the door, we assummed it was them and ignored it, and prayed. But then the doorbell rang, so I just yelled, "We're coming!" And then we got all our stuff and went to the door, and the poor postman was standing there! haha, But he still gave me my parcel. :) Thank-you so much! I LOVED the pictures so much! They made me smile all day. Also, the CD is FANTASTIC! Did you listen to it? It's so cool. Thank-you. Then after District meeting we went to see Carol Shooter. She's doing so well. She's working on a way to come to church every Sunday, and she wants to be baptized on 5 September, so that's good. Then in the evening we went and met with the Mc Shanes's (Micheal was supposed to come, but due to miscommunication, that didn't work out exactly.) Then we went to see Govanni and Susan with Sister Butcher. At first Govanni wasn't there, but in the end it ended up being a good thing, because it was really nice just to talk to Susan and find out what she was thinking, because she's very much involved in her own church. We had a really good lesson about really investigating the church with real intent, and we taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And then Govanni came in at the end, so we got to see him a bit as well. Then we went to travel home, and we got to Hemel Hempstead Train Station, and sat there for like 20 minutes, and our bus never came! Oh my days, it drives me mad when buses don't come. But the Lidders very kindly picked us up and took us home after we called them for an emergency favour :) People are so great!
Thursday we did our planning and some finding, so that was a good uneventful day.
Friday morning we went to see Elizabeth again and Sister Ip came with us. Elizabeth, although very wise, doesn't seem prepared to open her heart to accept that there would be any one true church, but we were able to bear testimony, so that's good. Then we called to Elders to ask them a question and they told us that we had interviews at 1:30! That was definitely a shock, because by that point it was already nearly noon, and it would take us nearly two hours to get there by bus and train! Not possible! So after a bit of panicking, the Elders very kindly offered to give us a lift and to go early. *phew*, so we made it on time and had a very nice interviews. President and Sister Patch are great. They make me laugh. As we were walking to have interviews, President Patch looked at me and said, "Looking at you just makes me sad." Haha, oh man. Then we were able to go with Sister McShane to Mr M's house for dinner, and it was SOOOOOO good. I think that coolest thing (for me anyways), was that he prepared mashed green bananas (I can't remember the Uganda word for it), and they tasted really nice. It tastes almost like mashed potatoes. Then we went to the Friday Night activity and played chair football. That was cool.
Saturday morning was Angela's baptism (one of the Elders investigators). It was so nice to be there. She is such a sweet woman, and had faced a lot of opposition, but she said, "It's true, what else matters?" She had a great fear of water, and had never in her life been swimming or anything. She had a really hard time, but she was so brave and she had so much faith, and after much prayer she was able to do it. It was amazing. Then in the afternoon into the evening we went finding.
Sunday was another great day! When we got to the bus stop to go to church there was this little Latvian lady there, who had been here visiting and was trying to go to the airport to go home. She spoke almost no English, but through showing us her various tickets, and a few things that her friends had written out for her we were able to figure out where she was trying to go, and then she said, "You help me?" Hehe, so of course we helped her get to where she was trying to go. Then Sister Jensen went to give her a card for a Book of Mormon, and when she saw it, she pointed at it and nodded and indicated she had seen it before, and between gestures and very broken English she indicated that in Latvia she was learning English in that church. Three Boys who were American were teaching the class. Then she smiled and said, "Snowflake City" . I loved it! She was so cute. Then we got to church. Angela got confirmed. The spirit was so strong there. The topic of Sacrament Meeting was Charity. Sister Jensen gave a talk. She's amazing! She speaks like a general authority. Also Alastair Sui gave his homecoming talk, so that was pretty cool as well. Micheal, of course :-P , was there. After church we went to Paulo Martins house for lunch. They are such a fun family. Then we came back to Hemel and met with a member named May Cook. She is a sweet sweet lady. It was nice to get to know her, and she gave us so much food. Watford Ward takes good care of the missionaries. Then we went finding.
So all in all a great week. :)

Mom- Thanks for the message from Sister Stevenson! Oh my goodness I'm soooooo excited! Tell her to give Justian Evans a huge congrats from me! That's so cool. :) Sounds like you had a fun week.

Dad- Mom is great at finding bargains, haha.

Nathan- No more monkeys jumping on the bed! I love you Nathan! Thank-you for the beautiful picture!

Elder Ison- What? You're no longer on Gaudeloupe? Crazy! Good luck in your new area!

Sister Arnquist- You rock my world! Sounds like really awesome things are happening on temple square.

Sister Besso- My Favourite Australian Companion! :) Hey, tell Sister Bidwell, that I respond to every letter I receive :-P Hehe.

Sister Ison

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