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Doctrine and Covenants 4: 1-7

1 Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.

2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

3 Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

4 For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

5 And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work.

6 Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence.

7 Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Would a better time be better? no...

Dear Friends and Family,
Being a missionary is so cool. You just get to know so many different people. Monday night we stopped by to visit Amy N'Jie. She is so amazing. She has her sister visiting, and it's stressful for her because her family doesn't know that she's Christian yet. But she said that her sister must be suspicious because she doesn't say her Muslim prayers anymore and there are pictures of Christ everywhere. It made me happy in a way to hear that, because even though she's afraid to tell her family, she's not pretending to be something she's not. She needs a lot of prayers.
Tuesday morning we went to visit Claudia Honrado. She really misses Portugual, but she is so sweet. It was so nice to get to know her and see little Isaac. He's so funny. Then in the evening we had a reallly cool lesson with a man named Nathan. He's a Hindu, and we taught him the message of the restoration. It was so amazing because he just understood everything we were talking about. His wife was really sweet as well and gave us muffins and apples and water and coffee (which we had to decline :-P). At the end she said that she works for a Catholic School and asked if we do set prayers. When we explained that we don't Nathan said that prayers said from the heart were much better, so that was pretty cool. The only sad thing is he was moving back to India on Saturday for two months. But we gave him the website and he's coming back to Birmingham in two months, so he promised to look the church up. :) He was so cool.
Wednesday we did a lot of planning and a bit of finding :) In the afternoon we went to see Carol Shooter, and are working with her to get her baptized on 1 September :) . She's doing well, and working hard to get ready for that day.
Thursday was Zone Conference and it was a really weird day. I can't believe that was my last Zone Conference. I had to bear my departing testimony and everyone kept asking me what it was like to be going home and if I was okay and stuff. Oh my days, I don't think I like it :-P . Then in the evening we went to see Dominique again and Sister Butcher came with us. Dominique had read a little, and is open minded to a point, but she doesn't really understand to importance of Jesus Christ. She is willing to learn though so that's really good :) It was a really nice lesson and great to have Sister Butcher there, as usual.
Friday we did a lot of finding then in the evening we went to visit Kathy Taylor. She's such a sweet heart. Then we went and had a marvelous dinner with the Ips. They are so funny. It was a lot of fun.
Saturday was a really neat day! We were tracting before a lunch appointment with the Martins and Mr M, and then they called to say that they were running late. So we got to keep tracting for a little longer and we met this Hindu man. We were talking to him on the doorstep and he said, "It's windy, would you like to come inside?" His wife was upstairs so we went in and started to ask him questions and he told us that he had met Mormons before and that he had a Book of Mormon. I already thought that was pretty cool, and then as we kept talking we found out that he had actually only met the missionaries 2 weeks previous in Florida when he was staying with his son. They had taught him about the restoration, and he had wanted to come to church, but with everything being so busy to prepare to come back to England he wasn't able to. Then we knocked on his door, so we taught him a bit about the Plan of Salvation. He kept asking us what he could do to find peace of mind. We talked about God's plan for us, and how following the commandments will bring us peace, and he really liked it. But, sad day, he is leaving to go to India for 2 months soon, and then he's going back to Florida. He got all of our information and said he'd be in touch. I thought it was so cool how the Lord sent missionaries to him in both Florida and here. He must really want Ramniklal Sangami. :) Too bad we keep losing all our cool new investigators to India. haha. Then we went to the Martins for Lunch with Mr M, and it was really nice. We had Tacos, and talked about the Priesthood. Then in the evening we went finding so that was cool.
Sunday was fun. I gave a talk in sacrament meeting on Personal Revelation. So did Elder VonNeiderhausern, because it's his last Sunday! Crazy. Then we met with Brother Ip and one of our investigators to discuss some financial stuff in order to enable them to pay tithing. It was crazy. They used a lot of big words that I didn't understand, but I did learn one thing. Stay out of debt! Haha. Then Sister Jensen and I taught Sharing time. Then after church we went with the Flandros to their house. It was so cool. They have a BEAUTIFUL house, and they are such fun people. They made me laugh. Brother Flandro served his mission in Rome, Italy. He told us some cool stories. Then we did more finding in the evening. It was a great Sunday.
So that was my week. Pretty awesome although it's so strange to have everyone keep telling me I'm so close to going home. Oh well :)

Mom- I can't believe Brooke is married! Send her my love! Oh and Ian! Tell him congrats as well. Haha, it made me laugh about Sacrament Meeting. I love my family :)

Dad- Thank-you sooooo much for everything. Thank-you again, you're a life saver! P.S. Your e-mails keep getting shorter and shorter as well :-P

Elder Ison- Man, French Guyana sounds so cool. It'll definitely be an adventure for you!

Nathan- You are so cool! I love you!

Sister Ison

P.S. The subject line is something that Sister Jensen said on the doorstep and it just made me laugh. Of course a better time would be better, but the person still said no.... oh boy :-P

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