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Doctrine and Covenants 4: 1-7

1 Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.

2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

3 Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

4 For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

5 And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work.

6 Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence.

7 Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Take Luck

Good morning!

I actually don't know when you will read this, but it is morning as I write it. I had a good week this week, and Zone conference was awesome. Not awesome, however, was the amount of time I had to spend in the airports. I did, however, receive a few new stamps for my passport, which is cool. I have a pretty good collection so far, and I hope to get a lot more. In interviews President told me that next transfer I will probably return to the French side, and go back to Guadeloupe in a last ditch effort to get legal. Apparently they got a contact at the Prefecture, so hopefully things will go smoother. Zone Conference was a spiritual feast as usual, and I learned a lot. It was the first time this transfer I saw other missionaries, and it was a lot of fun. Tara is still being a real putz, and she didn't come to church. We are going to try and get her to church this week, and if not, probably let her go... Other than that, not alot of exciting things. How are you guys? doing OK? I hope so!

Mom: Good luck! Sounds Like you got a full plate!

Dad: YOU TOO!!

Sister Ison: I got another letter from you. I am a terrible brother.

Grandma: Thanks for the Email! I love you!

Everybody else: Love you too!

Peace out,

Elder Ison

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

You are my sunshine....my only sunshine... :)

Dear Friends and Family,
You rock! This week rocks! Sunshine rocks! Ilford rocks! This week has been a really good one.
Monday evening Suresh took us out to eat. He bought us Pani Puri (which I loved sooooooo much!!!!) and also Sev puri (which was also good), and this drink called Falooda (It's like rose flavoured milk with noodles and icecream in it.... it was interesting, but very good). It was pretty funny though because with the Puri's you're supposed to just stick the whole thing in your mouth, but it was a little awkward to do so and Sister Andersen was having a little trouble doing it, and Suresh was just like, " No no no, even small children can put in mouth. " And he really didn't like the fact that she couldn't fit the whole thing in her mouth at once. We were all laughing about that. Then at Family Home Evening we played Ibble Dibble. I love that game! Sister Andersen won :-P Tuesday we had District Meeting, then we went to see Justin with Sister Stevenson. We read the talk by Elder Holland from conference and talked about how we can overcome anything and set some goals to help Justin live the Word of Wisdom. He actually set the goals for himself. He's doing sooooo well, and he really wants to do it. In fact a couple of days later I was talking to him on the phone and he was talking about how it's hard to overcome the addiction, but then he said, "but it's worth it..." He said that all by himself.... I felt soooooo happy :) Then in the evening we went to see our gypsy family. We read parts of 3 Nephi 11 with them and it was a good lesson.
Wednesday we saw a woman for the first time named Glenda. She was good, however a very strong Catholic, so we'll see what happens. But it was a good lesson, and she agreed to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. Then in the evening we went to see Sonia and Nara DeFrietas. We had a reallllllly good dinner, and it was good to get to know them a bit better. Nara is 12, and she is sooooooo cute. I really enjoyed the evening.
Thursday was an interesting day. We went to the chapel because we had an appointment, but he didn't show up, so we started to do our weekly planning at the chapel. Then while we were planning this man walked up to the door and gestured for us to unlock it. So I walked up and cracked open the door and asked what I could help him with. He said he was looking for his mom. That sounded a little bit odd, but then he said, "She's in this ward..." So I thought he was probably supposed to meet someone at the chapel. I actually thought he was probably from Stratford Ward, because I don't know most of the members from that ward (they use our building). So I told him that no one else was in the chapel so he'd have to try later. Then he began to insist that his mom was there... and I could tell that he was not right in the head. As he continued to talk I realized that he thought he was at the hospital, so I asked him where he thought he was, and he said, "King George Hospital." So he was talking about hospital wards.... So I tried to direct him how to get to King George Hospital, and told him what buses to take and everything, and he just wasn't getting it. He was still standing just outside the door and I was talking to him through the door, and then he fell on me! I had to push him back upright, and he leaned back on the door and said, "Sorry sorry, I'm Irish." That comment made me realize that he must be referring to the fact that he was totally and completely drunk..... Because otherwise he looked like a pretty clean cut guy. So at that moment I determined that he wasn't going to understand what I was trying to explain to him, and we just needed to get him out of the doorway so we could lock the door again. (Plus, I was honestly terrified that he might throw up on me or something... ugh). So I acted professional (because he seemed to think we were nurses) and I said, "Follow me.." And I walked out of the building with Sister Andersen and led him to the front. I pointed to the sign on the front of the church and said, "See, this is a church." And I proceeded to explain again how he could get to the hospital. He said that he didn't want to get on the bus, he wanted us to take him to his Mother-in-law. So I grabbed Sister Andersen and we ran back into the chapel and locked the door. It took him a couple of minutes to figure out that we were even gone, and then he came and began to knock on the door, but Sister Andersen and I just went on with our planning. Oh man, we laughed a lot about that. The good thing about drunk people is they don't tend to be able to move very fast. haha. Then later that day we saw Justin, and he brought Nicholas with him. We read 2 Nephi 4 (I love that chapter!) and talked about trusting God. It was a really good lesson. Then that evening we went to enrichment and got to hear stories from returned Sister Missionaries in the ward. It was really cool. There are actually a lot of them in Ilford ward.
Friday we saw Justin again and talked about Following the Prophet. He really gets it. Ah, I love Justin so much! haha, he's doing so well. He reads every day. He does everything we ask him. He's going to get there :) .
Saturday morning we saw a woman named Ronke. She was really sweet, and really wanted to know what the Book of Mormon was all about, because she wants to know about everything of Jesus Christ. it was a good lesson. Then we went to see the Gypsy family and invite them to church. They're going to need to come to church if we're going to be able to help them much. Then we went home to make phone calls to prepare for Sunday, and *dun dun dun* I saw the mouse!!! It ran out from under my little dresser by the study table. Sister Andersen was on the phone with Doreen, and I screamed sooooo loud. haha... oh man... and we thought Toni was gone..... Alas, 'tis not so.
Sunday was a great day. The whole Fowles family spoke in sacrament meeting including 5-year-old Christine, and 7-year-old Marianne. It was on the topic of Eternal Families, and when we stood for the intermediate hymn "Families can Be Together Forever." And everyone stood up with their little families, I really felt the spirit. I loved it! Plus, Joice (now being taught by the Stratford Elders) came with Yolanda! I was so happy to see her! Oh how I loved this Sunday! Plus, this whole week and especially Sunday, It was warm and sunny. That always helps to lift spirits :P. Then Sunday afternoon we went to Romford for an Emergency Zone Meeting on Member Missionary work for all Full time Missionaries and Ward Mission Leaders. President was there, and it was really good to get ideas about how we can work more with members. Then that evening we went to the Akunne's for dinner. I love Sister Akunne! We talked about missions, and she told stories from her mission. It was so great. Missions are the greatest thing. You learn so much, and grow, and really find your own testimony. It's amazing.
Then yesterday morning we had District meeting. It rained alll day, but we earned some good Husband points :-P We also saw a woman named Caroline and had a really good lesson about the Book of Mormon with her. Then we taught Justin tithing and he totally accepted it. Oh my goodness, I know I keep saying this, but I just can't believe how well Justin is doing. He is overcoming a lot, but he's doing it! He knows what he knows, and follows what he feels, and he doesn't worry about what his friends may say about the church. Then we had family home evening, and we did a lesson about not judging others. We had everyone write a problem they were experiencing on a bit of paper, and then wrapped them around little pebbles, and put them in Elder Jenzsch's shoes and made him walk all around the room while we read scriptures about not judging people. It was a good object lesson. And a fun evening. Then last night we got moves calls, but both Sister Andersen and I are staying... *phew* haha, I would have been sooooo sad if I moved. I love Ilford!

Mom- thank-you so much for taking care of everything for me. It's such a huge help. I'm so excited to hear about everything the boys are doing. The special olympics is so awesome! haha!

Dad- I'm so glad you got the package. I was a little worried when you hadn't received it yet. :) I did have fun making the movies... haha

Elder Ison- I've been running too, except for some reason my shoes have been giving me blisters, so I couldn't run today.... rubbish.... but instead Sister Andersen and I decided to try jump rope. Now that's a good work-out.... man.... It was hard... :-P I definitely need to excersize more.

Emma- Thanks so much for the letter! I love you so much, and hope that you are doing well!

Grandma- I love you sooooooooo much. I hope that you are doing well. I pray for you. Please let me know if there is anything I can do!

Everyone Else- I love you!

Sister Ison

Monday, April 20, 2009

I eat my peas with honey...

Dear Family,

I am sure that I will be able to find it in my heart to forgive you. Haha. Of course I forgive you. I am doing alright. This week was another finding one. We worked alot with the recent converts, the Johnsons. They are such a funny family. Yesterday we told jokes for a while. It was funny. Tara didn't come to church this weekend, and has been shirking away from being baptized. She is being a real stinker! We hope that she will have a "mighty change of heart" soon, and stop following the ways of the world. We also have a new set of Couple missionaries here. They are caled the Rasmussens and they are realy fun. He is an ex-FBI agent. I can't wait to here some of his stories! I am really glad you guys are doing well and that you had a nice trip. I can't believe Danny is a Zone Leader. Actually I can. I am proud of that boy. haha. I am really jealous of the time you got to spend with the Family though! Jeez! It's alright though. This week we got permission to go running on the beach by our apartment. President called it the "most breathtaking running beach in the world". Not bad.

I love you guys soo much and look forward to next week, where I will have cooler stuff to talk about!

Love, Elder Ison

General Conference....again :)

Dear Friends and Family,
I love you! Haha. I also love Ilford soooo much. It's pretty much the best place. :)
Monday was a good day. In the evening we went to see Bela and Brother Blackman and Brother Omoruyi came with us to give her a blessing. She's still struggling a bit and her blind eye is painful, but she's hanging in there.
Tuesday was also a great day. We saw Justin in the afternoon with his friends Nicholas and Micheal. We talked about keeping the Sabbath day holy, and it went well. Other than that we did a lot of finding. I love tracting. Haha, I really do, I'll miss it. :)
Wednesday we had district meeting. After District Meeting Sister Andersen and I made Breakfast burritos for everyone. It was really funny, because Elder Anderson (one of the Zone Leaders) was like, "Wow! What's the recipe for this?" Sister Andersen and I laughed and said, "Well, it's not really a recipe... you just scramble some eggs and fry up some sausage..." Then he interrupted and said, "Wow, there's two recipes?"... Haha.. and then Elder Hamilton said, "I think Elder Anderson is confusing the word recipe with ingredients." And Elder Anderson said, "Well, it's a recipe to me..." Oh, Elders.... they make me laugh. Then we did some finding and went to the Fowles for dinner. I love that family so much! Especially their little daughter Katie. It was really funny, we taught them a lesson and challenged them to give away some pass along cards that have the website on them, and after the lesson was over Katie hops off her mom's lap and says, "Jesus is my friend.... Jesus can hop!" and she started to hop all around the room. Then she wanted to say the prayer and she said the cutest prayer. She said, "Please bless Christine not to talk during the prayer..." Christine is her older sister and she wasn't talking, but it was cute anyways. :)
Thursday was the day of the neverending bus ride. Haha. A trip that should have taken 45 minutes ended up taking over 2 hours..... There was a major traffic jam, but we made it and were able to have lunch with Sister Saltzman and her daughter Corrie. It was really good, and we also challenged them to give away pass along cards. Then we went back to the chapel and saw Justin with *drumroll* Sister Stevenson! They're back, hoooray! :) We talked about the ten commandments and it was a really good lesson. Then we did some planning and in the evening we went to the Stevenson's for dinner, and had correlation. It was a good day.
Friday morning we went to see Rebecca, we talked to her about the Law of Chastity, and getting married to Chanelle's dad. They are engaged and planning of being married, so we hope to help them pick a day soon. Then we went to Brother Beasley's for llunch. Suresh prepared the food, and it was soooooooo good, and Justin came as well. We also talked to him about the Law of Chastity. It was a really good lesson. It was so good to see Brother Beasley as well, because it's been a while since we saw him :) Then in the evening we met up with Brother Schwartz from Chelmsford, because he came all the way down to meet our Polish family with us, because he served his mission in Poland. He's from America and actually works with Brother Fowles. He's really nice. We went and saw the Polish family, and found out a few things. 1. They did not understand anything we taught them before 2. They didn't tell us their real names... haha John= Roman, Sandra= Maria... however Theresa is Theresa, so that's good... :) 3. They actually aren't Polish, they are gypsies, and Polish is their second language. It was a reallllly cool lesson. We found out a lot about the family, and Brother Schwartz is really good at speaking Polish. I loved it.
Saturday in the morning we went to see Asha, Vinod, and Shency again. Suresh came, and it was another good lesson. We talked a bit about the plan God has for us. Hopefully they'll be able to come to church soon, but Asha works on Sunday.... so we'll see. In the afternoon we met a referral named Carlos, and his wife (Viola...... I think....oops...haha, can't remember), and their little daughter Gabriella (who has red hair, and is adorable). Also his mother was there. She's a member. She and her son are from Venezuala. Carlos has been in England for about 10 years, and his wife who is from Lithuania has been here about 6 years. His mother just barely moved in last week, and has come to help with the baby. She doesn't speak any English, but Carlos and his wife do, because that's how they communicate in the home :) It was a good lesson. Carlos is open, and Viola seems willing to learn, although a bit more skeptical. Then we went to Barry and Evelyn's to make an appearance at Barry's birthday party. It was really fun, and the food was good :) I love African parties. haha.
Yesterday was great. Sister Fowles came up to us and had a great success story about giving away one of her pass along cards! She said she had a handyman in her house, and she really felt like she should give him a Book of Mormon, because she had found an extra one while cleaning around the house. She said she was really nervous because it was so out of the blue, but she followed the prompting. She gave it to him with one of the website cards, and was kind of nervous and apologetic, and she said that he said, " Why are you so nervous? Do you want me to buy this book from you?" She said, "No, no it's free." He said, "Okay, if I go to this website will I see a picture of you standing there getting an award for giving away this book?" She said, "No no, it's just a book that means a lot to my family and I and I want to give it to you." He said, "Then why are you nervous?" Haha, she said that he was really nice, and they ended up having a long conversation about eternal families, and she found out that he lived in Chelmsford and had a wife and three children of his own. She showed him Moroni's promise and promised that if he would read and pray that he would get an answer, and told him there was a church in Chelmsford, and told him to come back to her when he'd read the book. Then as he was leaving she said her three daughters came running down the stairs yelling, "Read it! Read it!" And he said to them, "Do you read it?" And the little girls said "Yes!" It was great! We'll see what comes of it, but no matter what it was a great experience for them because Sister Fowles followed her prompting. Church was great. Justin was there, and we got to watch the last session of General Conference! I loved it soooo much! The whole thing! Elder Oaks is definitely a favourite of mine, and his talk really made me think of my motivations for service. Elder Bednar's talk was great, and definitely helped me realize that the focus is the temple! Of course, I absolutely loved Elder Perry's talk on member missionary work :) Spot on! And President Monson's concluding remarks, and the reference to "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me" made me think of CJ. Keep on sharing those talents :) I loved it! Then after church another really cool thing happened. We had an appointments witha man named Andrew, and we brought Sister Robertson with us to go see him. So we went to see him and we knocked on his door. He lives in a shared house (like many in London) so one of his housemates answered the door. We asked for Andrew, and he went to get him, then came back and said ,"Sorry, he's sleeping... you'll have to come later..." It was disappointing because we'd come all that way with a member and everything so I just explained who we were and asked if he would be interested. He said yes! His name is Christian, and he's from Nigeria, and he's actually been to a program at our church in Nigeria once before. He liked it, and when we taught him about the Restoration he was soo chill. He's pretty much the most chill person I've ever met. We invited him to be baptized and he said yes, so we have a date with him for the 23 May. it was super exciting. We spent the rest of the day finding, and found some more new investigators. It was a good good day. I love being a missionary!

Mom-Your trip sounds like great fun. I'm glad you got the letter. Thank-you soooo much for taking care of everything for school, haha, because...... well....yeah, time is tight, but I'm kind of glad in a way, because I'll keep busy...haha.... no need to lose momentum.....

Dad- That pretty much is a miracle that you made it home! Sister Fowles was talking about all the snow on Sunday because her parents live in Utah. I sent a package a couple of weeks ago, so it should arrive really soon....... I hope there aren't any problems with it :( It has pictures and books and other random things in it from Christmastime.

Nathan- I love you!!!!! I'm glad you are home :)

Elder Ison- I love Jesus the Christ that is a great book!

Grandma- I love you so much. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you!

Sister Ison

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Scooter Computer and Mr. Chips

Hey guys! I'm glad you had a good week, I know I did. Tara, our baptismal date for last week, kind of ran away from home, so her baptism will have to be postponed. The good news is she is presently back home and has committed to us that she will not run away again. We also have been working with this kid named Bhola, who is a member of a part member family the Woods visit fairly often. We are trying to see if we can't get him baptized before they leave. Elder Owens is great. We get along really well and he is a fantastic missionary. This weeks planning session "by the book" went really well. It really helped me to see how badly we need new investigators. We have been trying harder to find cool people ever since. My Testimony is getting stronger by the day. I have been reading in Jesus the Christ in my spare time, and especially this week have had the opportunity to pause and reflect on our saviors sacrifice for us. It is, for me, a great blessing that Grandpa passed away so close to Easter, when the blessings of the resurrection are on most everyone's mind. It is really cool that you get to see Elder Bunker. I hope you told him hi for me. Make sure you give Grandma extra hugs for me. She is such a trooper and I love her so much. I am sad I had to miss the funeral, but I am glad it was nice. His obituary was awesome, definitely Grandpa. Well, I gotta go. I love you guys and will talk to you next week!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter

Dear Friends and Family,The church is true! I'm so grateful for the strength and comfort of the gospel.Monday evening we went to see Bela. She's having a hard time. We just talked to her about enduring trials. She's going to need a lot of support right now. Then we went to see Justian at the chapel. We taught him about Fasting and he agreed to do it. He's funny. Then we had family home evening. I love it so much. It really is inspired :)Tuesday was Zone Conference and it was really good. It really strengthened me and helped me think about how I can be a better missionary. Then afterwards we had interviews. It was good to talk with President. I'm still amazed at Grandpa's goodness, and that he gave a Patriarchal blessing just last week. I'm so grateful for the comfort of the gospel. I also found out that my release date is 3 September 2009. Crazy.Wednesday morning we went to see Nikki. It was really good. She's such an amazing woman. Then we went and saw Rebecca. We talked about the Word of Wisdom. She already is living it :) Then in the evening we went to see Bela, and the Muir's came with us and Brother Muir gave her a blessing. It was really nice.Thursday we did our planning. We also saw Justian, and he had Nicholas and Micheal with him again. We talked about obedience. It was good.Friday was a great day. We went to see a new investigator named Asha, and Vinod and Shency also joined in. They're from India and they're Christian Orthodox. We brought Suresh with us, and it was a really good lesson. Suresh is great :). Then we went to see Rebecca and we met her brother-in-law David. He's a member, and he's super nice. He's from Portugal, and he hasn't been to church since he moved to this country, but he's ready to come back. It's really exciting. He'll be a good support for Rebecca. Then we went to see Justian. We taught him about the importance of daily prayer and scripture study. He's doing well, working hard. He's still got a ways to go, but he'll make it.Saturday was another good day. We went to see the Polish family, and John was home, so we had a good lesson. I'm extra excited because there's an American couple in Chelmsford that speak Polish, and they're going to come teaching with us next week! It's exciting. Other than that, we did a lot of finding on Saturday, but it was good.Yesterday was great! I love Easter. I especially loved having fast and testimony meeting on Easter. It was soooo good. Sister Andersen and I taught the Gospel Principles class because the Stevenson's are still in America. We just read from the New Testament about Jesus Christ's life and atonement. It was really good. At least I enjoyed it :) Then in Relief Society we had a lesson about overcoming adversity. This whole week actually I've felt like I've been able to see in a lot of people how they deal with their sadness, trial, and adversity, and I've been more aware than ever of how the gospel is the only way to come through these things unscarred. I'm so grateful for the gospel. I love my family for all that they teach me about love, and I want to be with them forever. The gospel is full of love and life. It's the greatest! Then Sunday evening we saw a man named Kwame. We actually just met him on Saturday and he invited us back. Sister Robertson came with us, and it was a really good lesson! He said that he's come in contact with our church twice before, and when we came he thought, 'This is the third time! I'd better do something about it.' He's from Ghana and he has great faith. He wants to be baptized, and we set his date for 16 May 2009. He drinks alcohol occasionally, but when we started teaching he just said, "Is it against your religion to drink alcohol?" We said yes, and he committed to give it up right then and there. It's pretty cool. He also was like, "Why are there so many churches if there is only one God!?" He was really confused by it, and when we taught him about the Great Apostasy he was so excited. He said, "I had a question and you answered it. I am eternally indebted to you." He also thinks I have beautiful handwriting. He loves America as well. He's funny. We're excited about him :)So it was a good week :) oh and Happy Easter everyone!Mom- I'm glad that Grandma is doing okay. I was worried about her. I can't imagine how hard it must be for her. I think it's hilarious that Danny is serving in Hillary and Denny's ward! That's great!Dad- The funeral sounds absolutely beautiful. I'm sad I couldn't be there, but I'm glad I'm here as well. I know it's helped me so much to remain focused on the plan that God has for each of us.Nathan- That's so fun that you got to see your cousins! I love you!Elder Ison- Thanks for your testimony. So much for not crying in the middle of an Internet Cafe :-P Oh, and Happy Birthday and Happy Easter!Everyone- I love you so much. I hope you all had a happy Easter!Love,Sister Ison

Monday, April 6, 2009

Even so in Christ, shall all be made alive

Hey guys!

First off, I want to let you all know how much I love you. You guys are the best family anyone could ever ask for. When President Robison called me this morning to tell me about Grandpa, I can't say that I wasn't surprised. As I listened to the words of General Conference, I almost couldn't help but feel that they were preparing me for this. I am grateful for that. I know that I am going to miss that great man so much, but I know that the Lord is making good use of him on the other side. He was such a great example to me of how a Father and a Grandfather should love his children. It's no wonder to me that he was called to be a Patriarch in the church. I am grateful for the opportunity I had to do that report on him, and to learn a little more about his life. He was definitely one of my Hero's, and I am grateful to God for being born into his posterity, and for the blessing of spending time with him in this life. I find comfort in the plan of salvation and the knowledge that he led a good life. Make sure Grandma knows how much I love her and how much I am praying for her. Everything I love about Grandpa is in her too. They were, to me, the perfect example of love and support, and I want her to know that she is an inspiration in my life. Tell everyone how much I love them and that they are all in my prayers too. I know that this is a hard time for everyone, and I am grateful that they are still around. I gotta stop now before I start crying in the middle of this cyber-cafe.
Anyways, This week was a good one, mostly spent getting acquainted with everyone and orienting myself. We worked with the recent converts a lot, and even set a date with the daughter who didn't get baptized last week. This week will probably be a finding week, but I am hoping that the members will take Elder Perry's words to heart, because that would definitely make our lives easier! The Members here, like in every area I've been in, are awesome, but it is different considering that half of them are American! My studies have definitely been helpful, I have been reading through the finding chapter in PMG and reading through my scriptures trying to figure out what would help my investigators the most. Conference was amazing and strengthened my testimony about the church again. I hope to be able to apply what I learned to the work here in Grenada. This week we had been working a lot with the Johnsons, the family that was baptized last week. Their daughter told us that she didn't feel ready yet. We didn't get to see her a lot this week either, because she stayed at a friends for most of the week. We went over Saturday to invite them to Conference and Tara was home, so we asked her to come too. She came to the Sunday morning session and later that evening we went to see her again. We asked her if she would be baptized this coming weekend and she said yes. We told her that if she followed the prophets counsel to study diligently, pray fervently, and live righteously, that she would be blessed for it and be ready to start on the path to eternal life this weekend.

I want to bear my testimony about the church now. I know that its true. This mission I am on has changed my life. I am grateful for the knowledge of the plan of salvation, and for the Saviors Atonement in my life. I have seen the fruits of the Church throughout my life, and how great a blessing it has been to my family, but I guess I didn't realize it til now. I love you guys so much, and thank you for your love and support.
I love you guys

Elder Ison

P.S. My address is:

Elder Ison c/o The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
PO Box 3804
Lagoon Rd, St. George's
Grenada, West Indies

It really is a sad and happy day.

Dear Friends and Family,
President Foulger called me this morning to give me the news that Grandpa had passed away. It is sad, but I am so grateful for the knowledge we have that we can see him again. It really is amazing. And this conference, and this entire week have been so amazing, I know Heavenly Father is showing his tender mercies.
Tuesday we had district meeting. We have a new senior couple in our district. It's so exciting. They are Elder and Sister Ricks, from Rexburg Idaho. And yes, they are related to the "Ricks" of Ricks College. :) They are really sweet and I'm excited to serve around them. Also we have a new district leader. Elder Smith is his name. He's from Tonga, and he's awesome Elder VanNiederhausern is still here (I think I spell his name different every time... haha... I just don't know). I love our district. It's great! Then after district meeting we went to see Justin and we taught him the first half of the plan of salvation. It was really good. He never ceases to amaze me. He is making sooooo many changes in his life. He wants to do what is right and follow his heart. I love it! Then (as if the day couldn't get any better) we went to see a woman named Rebecca for the first time. We met her last week OYMing. We introduced that Book of Mormon and she said she knew who we were because some of her family were members. We gave our "conditional" commitment, and asked her to be baptized when she knew it was true, and she told us that she already knew it was true, that she wasn't ready before but that she was ready to accept God in her life now, especially for her little one year old daughter Chanelle (who, by the way, is adorable). It was a great lesson, and she's going to be baptized on 9 May 2009. Then in the evening we went to visit a sweet old woman named Edna, who is blind. It was nice to visit with her.
Wednesday was a crazy day.... let's just say that we got to practice Elder Wirthlin's counsel to learn to laugh. We went out OYMing in the morning and then came home to have lunch. Then when we left the house I left the keys on the table and got us locked out! We didn't know what to do, but then I remembered that there was a set of spare keys on the table next to the door, so I thought that if we had some sort of wire hanger thing we might be able to reach them through the post box. Well we walked to a corner shop but they didn't have any wire hangers. so we just bought some plastic curtains... because they were wrapped around a plastic stick, to see if we might be able to open the door somehow. Well, we took it home and stuck our hand in the post box, and we were able to knock everything off the table out of the way and see the keys, but then we still couldn't figure out what to do. So we called the Stevenson's children (because the Stevenson's have gone to America) and explained the situation and asked for a wire hanger. We got one, but we just couldn't reach the key with it. By this point one of our neighbors saw us and came to help. After very many struggles and trying several ideas he was finally able to get the keys. It was a miracle. So we got the keys, and we went to put them in the door, and they didn't work! We were shocked. what were these keys for then? So we went and knocked on our neighbor's door and asked her if there was any way we could get into our back garden from her garden. She was able to lift up the fence and let us into our garden, but the key wouldn't work for the back door either. We had exhausted all our options, so we called the office. They gave us the number for our landlord, and we were able to get a spare key from her. Oh man, it was so simple. haha, I learned an important lesson. Call the office first. :-P Oh well, we had some good laughs. It was just a weird day all together. Obama is in the country. While we were walking to the Stevenson's a pigeon ran into the shop we were walking past. While we were tracting a woman invited us back in an hour and when we came back, an entirely different family answered the door and said that no one Polish (the woman was polish) ever lived there. It was fun though. In the evening we went to Gloria's house and had dinner. It was a good way to end a strange day.
Thursday morning we did our planning and then we went to see Justin. When we got there, not only was Justin there, but so was Nicholas, Ahmed, and Micheal, three of his friends. They wanted to see his church. Sister Robertson came teaching with us, and it was a really good lesson. We taught them the Restoration and answered some of their questions about what Justin was doing. It was great. Then in the evening it was really interesting because we went to see Bela, and her eye was all red and bloodshot. Then she told us that she couldn't see anything out of her right eye! Apparently her eye suddenly started hemorrhaging, and she can't see anything at all. It was sad, but she's hanging in there. It's crazy how fast life can change.
Friday afternoon we saw Justin again. Seriously, he never ceases to amaze me. He's doing so well. Then we went to see Brother Conteh. He's so nice. He is doing good member missionary work as well. Then in the evening we went to see Baetsi, Linda and Mark. We're hoping to get Linda to mutual Tuesday night.
Saturday was a great day. In the morning we decided to stop by Nikki's house, because we hadn't been able to get a hold of her by phone. She was home, but she was on her way to the Post office. So we traveled with her, and got to catch up with her, and set an appointment with her for Wednesday. She is so sweet. Then we had Fish n' Chips for lunch (to celebrate conference). We then got to go to conference in the evening. It was the Saturday morning session and it was absolutely perfect! Especially for Justin (He was there). It was amazing. I really could feel the spirit. I was just so happy. Justin really enjoyed it was well. Oh man, I can't even begin to say how amazing it was and share everything I learned. Sunday was equally amazing. I especially was excited when Quentin L.Cook spoke about the London Buses. Because I had to ride on one of those buses and it made me so mad. It's amazing how they can address so many concerns in one conference! Throughout the conference i just kept thinking about how they never said things were getting better, but that we would make it through the hard times. Oh man, it was just sooo good. They also spoke quite a bit about respect. Man, did I mention that I LOVED conference! :) Also, things that made Sunday extra-ly awesome:
1. Elder Smith, Elder VanNeiderhausen, and their investigator Luke, made us lunch, AND Elder Smith did the dishes.
2. I got a parcel from Simon, full of sweets, and most excitingly, a letter! He's getting married to Nina for time and all eternity in August!
3. Justin came and so did his friend Micheal! They both really enjoyed it, and Micheal decided he wants to learn more.
It was just a happy happy day. Also, we had been sad, because Rebecca told us that she was coming, and then didn't show up, but we got to talk to her, and she actually just got lost. And while we're sad she got lost, we are happy that she was at least trying to come! I'm so excited about her.
I know that Heavenly Father loves and watches over his children, and even though I miss Grandpa very much already, I know that he is in a place where he can rest. I'm so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father and his many tender mercies.

I'm completely out of time... I'll try and write some letters this week.

Give everyone my love.

Sister Ison