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Doctrine and Covenants 4: 1-7

1 Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.

2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

3 Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

4 For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

5 And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work.

6 Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence.

7 Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter

Dear Friends and Family,The church is true! I'm so grateful for the strength and comfort of the gospel.Monday evening we went to see Bela. She's having a hard time. We just talked to her about enduring trials. She's going to need a lot of support right now. Then we went to see Justian at the chapel. We taught him about Fasting and he agreed to do it. He's funny. Then we had family home evening. I love it so much. It really is inspired :)Tuesday was Zone Conference and it was really good. It really strengthened me and helped me think about how I can be a better missionary. Then afterwards we had interviews. It was good to talk with President. I'm still amazed at Grandpa's goodness, and that he gave a Patriarchal blessing just last week. I'm so grateful for the comfort of the gospel. I also found out that my release date is 3 September 2009. Crazy.Wednesday morning we went to see Nikki. It was really good. She's such an amazing woman. Then we went and saw Rebecca. We talked about the Word of Wisdom. She already is living it :) Then in the evening we went to see Bela, and the Muir's came with us and Brother Muir gave her a blessing. It was really nice.Thursday we did our planning. We also saw Justian, and he had Nicholas and Micheal with him again. We talked about obedience. It was good.Friday was a great day. We went to see a new investigator named Asha, and Vinod and Shency also joined in. They're from India and they're Christian Orthodox. We brought Suresh with us, and it was a really good lesson. Suresh is great :). Then we went to see Rebecca and we met her brother-in-law David. He's a member, and he's super nice. He's from Portugal, and he hasn't been to church since he moved to this country, but he's ready to come back. It's really exciting. He'll be a good support for Rebecca. Then we went to see Justian. We taught him about the importance of daily prayer and scripture study. He's doing well, working hard. He's still got a ways to go, but he'll make it.Saturday was another good day. We went to see the Polish family, and John was home, so we had a good lesson. I'm extra excited because there's an American couple in Chelmsford that speak Polish, and they're going to come teaching with us next week! It's exciting. Other than that, we did a lot of finding on Saturday, but it was good.Yesterday was great! I love Easter. I especially loved having fast and testimony meeting on Easter. It was soooo good. Sister Andersen and I taught the Gospel Principles class because the Stevenson's are still in America. We just read from the New Testament about Jesus Christ's life and atonement. It was really good. At least I enjoyed it :) Then in Relief Society we had a lesson about overcoming adversity. This whole week actually I've felt like I've been able to see in a lot of people how they deal with their sadness, trial, and adversity, and I've been more aware than ever of how the gospel is the only way to come through these things unscarred. I'm so grateful for the gospel. I love my family for all that they teach me about love, and I want to be with them forever. The gospel is full of love and life. It's the greatest! Then Sunday evening we saw a man named Kwame. We actually just met him on Saturday and he invited us back. Sister Robertson came with us, and it was a really good lesson! He said that he's come in contact with our church twice before, and when we came he thought, 'This is the third time! I'd better do something about it.' He's from Ghana and he has great faith. He wants to be baptized, and we set his date for 16 May 2009. He drinks alcohol occasionally, but when we started teaching he just said, "Is it against your religion to drink alcohol?" We said yes, and he committed to give it up right then and there. It's pretty cool. He also was like, "Why are there so many churches if there is only one God!?" He was really confused by it, and when we taught him about the Great Apostasy he was so excited. He said, "I had a question and you answered it. I am eternally indebted to you." He also thinks I have beautiful handwriting. He loves America as well. He's funny. We're excited about him :)So it was a good week :) oh and Happy Easter everyone!Mom- I'm glad that Grandma is doing okay. I was worried about her. I can't imagine how hard it must be for her. I think it's hilarious that Danny is serving in Hillary and Denny's ward! That's great!Dad- The funeral sounds absolutely beautiful. I'm sad I couldn't be there, but I'm glad I'm here as well. I know it's helped me so much to remain focused on the plan that God has for each of us.Nathan- That's so fun that you got to see your cousins! I love you!Elder Ison- Thanks for your testimony. So much for not crying in the middle of an Internet Cafe :-P Oh, and Happy Birthday and Happy Easter!Everyone- I love you so much. I hope you all had a happy Easter!Love,Sister Ison

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