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Doctrine and Covenants 4: 1-7

1 Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.

2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

3 Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

4 For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

5 And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work.

6 Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence.

7 Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen.

Monday, April 6, 2009

It really is a sad and happy day.

Dear Friends and Family,
President Foulger called me this morning to give me the news that Grandpa had passed away. It is sad, but I am so grateful for the knowledge we have that we can see him again. It really is amazing. And this conference, and this entire week have been so amazing, I know Heavenly Father is showing his tender mercies.
Tuesday we had district meeting. We have a new senior couple in our district. It's so exciting. They are Elder and Sister Ricks, from Rexburg Idaho. And yes, they are related to the "Ricks" of Ricks College. :) They are really sweet and I'm excited to serve around them. Also we have a new district leader. Elder Smith is his name. He's from Tonga, and he's awesome Elder VanNiederhausern is still here (I think I spell his name different every time... haha... I just don't know). I love our district. It's great! Then after district meeting we went to see Justin and we taught him the first half of the plan of salvation. It was really good. He never ceases to amaze me. He is making sooooo many changes in his life. He wants to do what is right and follow his heart. I love it! Then (as if the day couldn't get any better) we went to see a woman named Rebecca for the first time. We met her last week OYMing. We introduced that Book of Mormon and she said she knew who we were because some of her family were members. We gave our "conditional" commitment, and asked her to be baptized when she knew it was true, and she told us that she already knew it was true, that she wasn't ready before but that she was ready to accept God in her life now, especially for her little one year old daughter Chanelle (who, by the way, is adorable). It was a great lesson, and she's going to be baptized on 9 May 2009. Then in the evening we went to visit a sweet old woman named Edna, who is blind. It was nice to visit with her.
Wednesday was a crazy day.... let's just say that we got to practice Elder Wirthlin's counsel to learn to laugh. We went out OYMing in the morning and then came home to have lunch. Then when we left the house I left the keys on the table and got us locked out! We didn't know what to do, but then I remembered that there was a set of spare keys on the table next to the door, so I thought that if we had some sort of wire hanger thing we might be able to reach them through the post box. Well we walked to a corner shop but they didn't have any wire hangers. so we just bought some plastic curtains... because they were wrapped around a plastic stick, to see if we might be able to open the door somehow. Well, we took it home and stuck our hand in the post box, and we were able to knock everything off the table out of the way and see the keys, but then we still couldn't figure out what to do. So we called the Stevenson's children (because the Stevenson's have gone to America) and explained the situation and asked for a wire hanger. We got one, but we just couldn't reach the key with it. By this point one of our neighbors saw us and came to help. After very many struggles and trying several ideas he was finally able to get the keys. It was a miracle. So we got the keys, and we went to put them in the door, and they didn't work! We were shocked. what were these keys for then? So we went and knocked on our neighbor's door and asked her if there was any way we could get into our back garden from her garden. She was able to lift up the fence and let us into our garden, but the key wouldn't work for the back door either. We had exhausted all our options, so we called the office. They gave us the number for our landlord, and we were able to get a spare key from her. Oh man, it was so simple. haha, I learned an important lesson. Call the office first. :-P Oh well, we had some good laughs. It was just a weird day all together. Obama is in the country. While we were walking to the Stevenson's a pigeon ran into the shop we were walking past. While we were tracting a woman invited us back in an hour and when we came back, an entirely different family answered the door and said that no one Polish (the woman was polish) ever lived there. It was fun though. In the evening we went to Gloria's house and had dinner. It was a good way to end a strange day.
Thursday morning we did our planning and then we went to see Justin. When we got there, not only was Justin there, but so was Nicholas, Ahmed, and Micheal, three of his friends. They wanted to see his church. Sister Robertson came teaching with us, and it was a really good lesson. We taught them the Restoration and answered some of their questions about what Justin was doing. It was great. Then in the evening it was really interesting because we went to see Bela, and her eye was all red and bloodshot. Then she told us that she couldn't see anything out of her right eye! Apparently her eye suddenly started hemorrhaging, and she can't see anything at all. It was sad, but she's hanging in there. It's crazy how fast life can change.
Friday afternoon we saw Justin again. Seriously, he never ceases to amaze me. He's doing so well. Then we went to see Brother Conteh. He's so nice. He is doing good member missionary work as well. Then in the evening we went to see Baetsi, Linda and Mark. We're hoping to get Linda to mutual Tuesday night.
Saturday was a great day. In the morning we decided to stop by Nikki's house, because we hadn't been able to get a hold of her by phone. She was home, but she was on her way to the Post office. So we traveled with her, and got to catch up with her, and set an appointment with her for Wednesday. She is so sweet. Then we had Fish n' Chips for lunch (to celebrate conference). We then got to go to conference in the evening. It was the Saturday morning session and it was absolutely perfect! Especially for Justin (He was there). It was amazing. I really could feel the spirit. I was just so happy. Justin really enjoyed it was well. Oh man, I can't even begin to say how amazing it was and share everything I learned. Sunday was equally amazing. I especially was excited when Quentin L.Cook spoke about the London Buses. Because I had to ride on one of those buses and it made me so mad. It's amazing how they can address so many concerns in one conference! Throughout the conference i just kept thinking about how they never said things were getting better, but that we would make it through the hard times. Oh man, it was just sooo good. They also spoke quite a bit about respect. Man, did I mention that I LOVED conference! :) Also, things that made Sunday extra-ly awesome:
1. Elder Smith, Elder VanNeiderhausen, and their investigator Luke, made us lunch, AND Elder Smith did the dishes.
2. I got a parcel from Simon, full of sweets, and most excitingly, a letter! He's getting married to Nina for time and all eternity in August!
3. Justin came and so did his friend Micheal! They both really enjoyed it, and Micheal decided he wants to learn more.
It was just a happy happy day. Also, we had been sad, because Rebecca told us that she was coming, and then didn't show up, but we got to talk to her, and she actually just got lost. And while we're sad she got lost, we are happy that she was at least trying to come! I'm so excited about her.
I know that Heavenly Father loves and watches over his children, and even though I miss Grandpa very much already, I know that he is in a place where he can rest. I'm so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father and his many tender mercies.

I'm completely out of time... I'll try and write some letters this week.

Give everyone my love.

Sister Ison

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