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Doctrine and Covenants 4: 1-7

1 Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.

2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

3 Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

4 For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

5 And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work.

6 Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence.

7 Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"Those missionaries are doing a good job..."

Dear Friends and Family,
May I submit that life just keeps getting better and better and better. Haha.
Monday evening we saw Brother Evans and organized his baptismal program. He was so thoughtful and made sure to find ways to include everyone. The change in him is amazing. Also Suibha and Kahn came to family home evening for the first time. We actually haven't taught either of them, but they both seemed to really enjoy it.
Tuesday was District Meeting and then my driving test. Before you get too excited....I failed. Why, you may ask? Because I'm an idiot... Haha, actually I just habitually forgot to check my blind spot. I was so worried about the Mirror-Signal-Manevoure thing that I totally forgot.... but next time :) That was it. Then that evening we went to the Fowles for dinner. I love that family soooo much. They make me laugh.
Wednesday morning we met with a less-active named David Greenhill. He's pretty funny, and seems interested in coming back so that's good. In the afternoon we saw Brother Evans, and we talked about the tree of life. Nicholas was there as well. Nicholas comes more and more often. I think he's becoming more keen, but I think he mostly comes because he's bored. haha. Then we went to the Freita's for dinner. And one of Sister Frieta's friends joined in the lesson! That was great!
Thursday we had lunch with Brother Beasley at the noodle bar. He's the sweetest man ever. He told me to warn you that he will be calling when I come home. :) Then in the evening we had correlation with the Stevenson's. They rock hardcore. :)
Friday in the morning we saw a young woman named Laura. She is really sweet and we had a really good lesson with her. Then we stopped by to see Doreen and her new baby girl, Cedrica. Oh my goodness, she is the most precious thing. Doreen had to have an emergency C-section and the baby almost didn't make it, but now everyone's fine and Doreen is recovering, so that's good. They are such a cute family. Then we saw Brother Evans and talked with him about service to others, using King Benjamin. Sister Stevenson came along, and it was great, as usual. Then in the evening we went with the Stevensons to see a less active Michelle, and then we went to see Oke, Jane's Husband! He even let us read from the Book of Mormon with him, which is a huge step! I love it!
Saturday was pretty much the best day of my life! haha. In the morning we saw a woman named Geraldine. It was one of the best first lessons we'd had in a long time. She really had questions about what we believed and as we shared about the message of the restoration she really liked it. Then we had a quick lunch with Bishop and Sister Theed, it was really nice. Then we went to the Hyde Park Chapel. We had a mission picture. I also got to see Elder Martin and Elder Shunke from my MTC group because London South came as well! Then we had a giant mission conference with President Uchtdorf and Elder Andersen. Oh my goodness. It was AMAZING! Plus they shook all of our hands. That was pretty cool. I can't even begin to explain how amazing it is here. I'll have to write you a letter, because time is of the essence. Then after the conference we all had to leave quickly because of the Priesthood Session which was directly afterwards, and I ran into Patryk Tomezewski (sp? oh my goodness I already forgot, haha). He said that he put in his mission papers 3 weeks ago and he's just waiting now. That's so exciting! Missions are the greatest! Then on the way back to Ilford in the tunnel we ran into 4 different members who were visiting. Then on the tube we ran into 3 BYU study abroad students. I was talking to one of them (I'm ashamed to say I can't think of her name) and in the conversation I found out that she served her mission in New York and that she was companions with Sister Colbert!!! Isn't that cool? What a small world.
Sunday was also a most fantastic day. Bela gave us a lift to the new members meeting before Stake Conference. It was really great. Bela, Sam, Suresh, and Justian all came from Ilford ward. The conference was fantastic! President Uchtdorf, Elder Andersen, Sister Dibb, and Sister Lant all spoke. What an amazing opportunity! Then the greatness of the day continued. We went tracting and we met a man named Terry who had a lot of questions and invited us to come back. Then we met a woman named Anna who was totally confused by all the different churches, and she really just wants to find the truth. Then we went OYMing in Ilford and met a man named Eddie who told us he was having a very interesting day, and that on any other day he would have never stopped and talked with us, but that day he just was full of questions. It's amazing how people are being prepared. Also we ran into a man named Ted, who was also a member who's been backpacking with his family across Europe for the last 5 weeks, and we just happened to run into him in Ilford. Haha. This weekend was just so great!
Yesterday was really good as well. In the morning we had a combined Zone District meeting/farewell for Elder Smith. Then the Ricks treated us to lunch at Nando's, which was sooo nice of them. Then we went to see Brother Evans and Brother Tavner came with. We read Jose Texiera's talk from the last conference and talked about how we can keep a strong "signal" with the Holy Ghost. It was really good. We looked at baptismal clothes and finalized a few things for Brother Evan's baptism. Then we saw Suresh and helped him get started on his talk because Brother Evan's asked him to speak at his baptism. Then right before family home evening I got a phone call from President. He wants me to train this next moves and I'm going to open up a new Sisters area in Watford! It's pretty intense. There will be both Sisters and Elders in Watford Ward now. I was entirely shocked. It's pretty overwhelming. Brother Evans came in at the end of the phone call, and he's sad, as am I, that I won't be at his baptism, but it was always a possibility. Then in the evening we has Family Home Evening and both Brother Evans and Suibha came entirely unsolicited. It was really great, and Suresh really took care of Suibha. Oh my goodness Ilford ward is so great. The whole evening was sort of twinged with sadness because I really don't want to leave. I love the people so much here, but I know it will be in good hands because Sister Feller is coming, and she's the cutest thing since sliced bread. Oh my goodness! And you'll never guess what else! Sister Strunk is training! haha, I'm having a "granddaughter." I'm excited about that.
So as you can see, it's been a very eventful week. But a great week. Ilford is sooo great, and though I'm sad to leave, I know that everything will be great.

Mom- Haha, you make me laugh with your "dancing with the stars" By the way, Sister Stevenson wants you to check your facebook.

Dad- Thank-you so much for taking care of everything. I'm sure it's great :) Speaking of driving tests..... I kind of need money to take it again (sorry :( I know I'm lame) It costs £64.

Nathan- It sounds like you had a great week! Oh my goodness :) Camp-I-Can is awesome!

Elder Ison- It sounds like things are going very well! Your picture's make me laugh. I'm excited for your letter!

Everyone Else- I love you very much!

Sister Ison

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