England London Mission ............................................West Indies Mission
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Doctrine and Covenants 4: 1-7

1 Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.

2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

3 Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

4 For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

5 And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work.

6 Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence.

7 Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Dear Friends and Family,
Sometimes I wonder why opposition seems to come so thick and fast! Then I just have to remember that Satan is real, and he's working hard to mislead people....ah man....
Monday evening we saw Kingsley. He met us at the chapel because he got in a row with his wife about the church, so he didn't think it would be the best idea to see us at his home. He's still determined to be baptized, so that's good, but he will have to work hard, and we are praying hard that his wife's heart will be softened.
Tuesday was a good day. We had district meeting in the morning, and then in the afternoon we saw Hayley and David. Then we took Christine and Jane out for Hot Chocolate! It was sooo good to see them, because I feel like it's been forever. At first Jane still seemed a little wary of us, but she was opening up by the end. I think it's good to get them out of the house sometimes. In the evening we went to visit Rosa and Valentine. I love to visit them. They are so much fun.
Wednesday we saw Maryam. She's also struggling a bit and looking for a job, but she's hanging in there. She's so cute. Then we went to see Jason. He's such a cute kid. Then in the evening we saw Cecelia. I'm so excited about her! She's decided to be baptized. She knows the Book of Mormon is true, and she said that it's like a message from Jesus just for her! We just have to pray really hard for her, because, as Sister Strunk said, it's bittersweet to give her a baptism date, because as soon as we do, the opposition will come!
Thursday in the morning we tracted a bit and then went to visit Brother Brezzo. He's such a good man. In the afternoon when we were at the bus station we saw an advert on a bus that we hadn't seen before. It said, "Star Wars: The Musical Journey." haha, it's actually an advert for a Star Wars Musical! It made me laugh. The website on the side of the bus was www.theO2.co.uk if you want to check it out. Anyways, then we went to visit with David, then we saw Agnes. She's been coming out to church every week! It's been so good! She's sooo cute! Then we went tracting a bit on this road called Orpington, and we saw the Romanian Mafia. Haha, not really, I'm not even sure if they were actually Romanian, but it seemed like it. Then in the evening we saw Reon. He's stressed out with school, and work. Plus he's moved out of our ward boundaries, so we're in the process of referring him to the North London Elders. Sad day :( Hehe, they better take good care of him :-P Then we had dinner with Sallyann and David Parish in the evening. It was good to just have time to chat with them, and the food was good. She makes very traditionally English food.
Friday we planned in the morning. Then we went to see Art. He is doing well. He was bummed because he had said that he would come to church this Sunday and then he found out that he would have to work. We really needed him to come to church, because he just couldn't progress with out that. Then in the evening we had an AMAZING dinner appointment. We brought Cecelia with us to the Donyina's for dinner. Well, once we got there we found out that Cecelia and Rita Donyina already know each other, because Cecelia used to work at Nettos (A grocery store) and Rita shops there and they used to talk and joke around at the checkout! We taught Cecelia the Word of Wisdom, and she already lives it. :) She did bring up a concern that she's living with her boyfriend, and pregnant with his baby, but they are planning to be married soon. The only problem is that in African culture, you can't be married if you are pregnant, so it's waiting until after the baby's due. But it's not so long, because the baby is due in April. It was so great to have Rita there to resolve Cecelia's concerns. I think that Cecelia will do well, even if it takes her a little longer.
Saturday morning we saw Jason. We talked to him about the signs of Christ's birth and death in the Americas because we want to watch the Testaments with him, so that was good. Then we went to see Charles Micheal, but we can't figure him out, he said that he doesn't want to change, so we'll probably have to drop him. Then we had a teaching appointment and Patryk was coming teaching with us, but the people weren't there, which was lame, but it was good fun because Patryk came tracting with us a bit, and we ran into some Polish Jehovah's Witnesses, and Patryk was talking to them. He's going to be a great missionary. Then he came with us to see Toto. It was kind of a hectic lesson because Toto had a lot of family visiting, but we watched Special Witnesses with her, it was really good. Then in the evening we had correlation with Ola, because Bro. McGary is out of town, and Bro. Toffoletti is a very busy man. :) It was good.
That brings us to Sunday. This new year has brought a lot of changes! There's new Young Men's, Young Women's, and Primary Presidents. We also have a new Ward mission leader! Also, I found out during Ward Council that during the last quarter of 2008 our average sacrament meeting attendance was 75, and that since the new year our attendance has been 85 or greater! I knew that the chapel seemed fuller as of late. I love it! Oh, and guess what, Art was able to make it to church! It was really good! :) He enjoyed it, and said that he felt very comfortable there. We were very excited. Then after church we went to contact a referral, and we walked for a solid 20 minutes before we realized we were on the wrong Firs Lane! So then we were late to our appointment with Oheneba (Prince). But we were able to see him. He's experiencing a lot of opposition. He said that right before we came a huge group of people from his old church came to try and get him, and were telling him crazy things about the church. He knows it's true, but he's really frustrated with everyone telling him that he's been brainwashed, and that he doesn't know what he's doing. I really wish I could just make it stop for him, but I know that he will be able to continue to withstand it, and in the end it will just make him stronger. I just hope that Stacey is going to be okay, because it will be hard on her growing testimony.
So that's my week in a nutshell. Happy Martin Luther King's Day everyone in the States! :)
Mom- Oh, my heart broke when I read about the Maxey's. I can't believe it! Thank-you so much for including their addresses, because all I wanted to do when I read it was write them! Thank-you so much for everyone else's addresses as well. I hope that you can sort out everything with your gall bladder soon!

Dad- I am soooo glad that it's not that cold here!!!! I'm pretty sure I would die! I don't know how the missionaries there manage! I've often thought of it..... they must have some good tips on how to stay warm, because I thought I was cold. The next moves is 11 February, and I will most likely be moving.

Nathan- You have an Ipod! lucky! :) I love you! You are silly.

Sis. Besso- I love you!!!!!!

Everyone Else- I love you soooo much!

Sister Ison

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