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Doctrine and Covenants 4: 1-7

1 Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.

2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

3 Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

4 For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

5 And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work.

6 Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence.

7 Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year!

Dear Friends and Family,
I don't know how to start so I'll just start with Monday! haha. So last Monday we did our normal shopping at ASDA and you'll never guess who we ran into. It was Sarah Gould! It was good to see her, but she's having a really hard time and really overwhelmed with things, but at least we were able to give her our phone number so that she can call us whenever she feels ready. Then we went to the Toffoletti's for dinner. It was so good, except for poor Sister Toffoletti is pregnant and feeling so sick! She couldn't even get out of bed. So we spent a little time with their daughters, it was good. To get to and from the Toffoletti's we have to take the 34 bus, and let me tell you, all the crazy people are on that bus, and we had a crazy driver as well. But the Toffoletti's are moving soon, so hopefully we won't have to take that bus much longer :-P .
Tuesday was Zone Conference and it was amazing! I found out that Simon and Nina want to be married in August in the temple :-D . Aw man, it's just sooooo great. It was soooo weird to not have Sister Besso there though. I think that no one should be allowed to go home :) But I got chocolates from Prabha and a book from Sister Besso! Thank-you so much! And I got a book from the ward! Tell them thank-you for me. Then in the evening we went to see Cecelia at the Donyina's. She's doing very well, and still wants to be baptized and hopefully she will be able to come to church soon. :) I love her!
Wednesday was an interesting day. We spent the day in Southgate trying to visit people who weren't home :-P But we left a lot of notes, and we got to see Tony. He's decided that he doesn't want to go to our church anymore, which is really sad, but there' nothing more we can do for him. Then in the evening when we were tracting we met this woman who said that we should be proud to be American's because we have a new President and two contenstants on the British Big Brother (LaToya Jackson, and Coolio). Haha, it made me and Sister Strunk laugh. Then in the evening we saw Icilda. She misses us :) It was good to see her.
Thursday morning I had a driving lesson in order to make sure I'm prepared to pass my driving test. He said that my driving is good. I'm going to have a couple more lessons this week to practice some different things, so hopefully I will be well prepared. Then we went to Sister Berry's for lunch. It was so good to see her, and she said she wants to start coming back to church. :) Then in the afternoon we did planning.
Friday in the morning we went and saw Lydia. She's struggling, but she's hanging in there in true Lydia fashion. Then we had lunch at Cafe Uno again (I know, a splurge, :) ) and it was oh soooo yummy. Then in the evening we went tracting and met some interesting people.... haha, oh how I love tracting (and that's the truth). :)
Saturday was a busy day. In the morning we went tracting on Sister Stella's street and we met one of her neighbours, Patricia, and she let us in to teach her the first lesson. She knows Stella so that's already a great start. Then we went to lunch at the Terceno's and had great food (as always). Then we went to visit the Sackey-Mensah's and for the first time I got to teach a lesson to them with every single one of them in the room. It was great!! I love that family sooo much. Then to top off the evening we went to see Cecelia, and she told us how it is her dream to have a child who loves going to church. :) Did I mention that I love Cecelia? :)
That brings us to Sunday. It rained allllllllll day, but that was okay, because it was a really good day anyways. When we got to church on Sunday we discovered that our phone has decided to completely quit working! So we had to spend Sunday School in the Bishop's office making phone calls to figure things out. It's been quite interesting to be without a phone. But Lillo, Milena, and Jason came to church. Also, one of the less actives we work with, Maryam, and her son Arad came to church. It was so great! Arad is 6 years old and oh so cute, and he loves church. Sister Berridge taught Relief Society, and the lesson was on Zion, and she was talking about Babylon, and she said that we live in Babylondon. It made me and Sister Strunk just start laughing. It's true though. Also I saw Jonathan Young and I gave him Mike's message and he said that it totally made his day. He also wanted Mike to know that he's also engaged. :) He and Becky got engaged this week. Aw, how cute :-P . Then after church we went to Stella's for dinner and we were able to teach the Restoration to her niece and nephew. It was reallllly good. I always love going to Stella's house anyway, but Bijoux and Sam were an excellent bonus. I'm especially excited about Bijoux because she seems really interested and she already has been to church once, and she's going to be living with Stella for the next two years. Then we went to visit Oheneba and Stacey. We taught them the plan of salvation and Stacey had some questions about Baptisms for the dead. She's been feeling a lot of pressure from her old church and it's hard for them, but I think that they will make it. Then we went to the Donyina's house and Hijacked their phone for the evening and made all our necessary phone calls. Oh how I hope we get a new phone SOON. It's so hard to be without a phone.
So that's been my week. I have interviews today, so it turns out that our preparation day is today not tomorrow and we won't be able to go to Trafalgar square as planned, sorry.

Mom- I'll definitely be praying for your surgery to go well! I can't believe it's been such an eventful week! I'm excited about my scrapbook though. Hehe. I can't believe about Melissa, tell her congratulations from me! That's so exciting.

Dad- Thank-you for Zach and Andrew's address. I was also wondering if you could find out about when registration at BYU-Idaho starts for fall semester for me and what day school starts, because, as strange as it seems, I'll have to start figuring out that now! Oh my goodness, how time flies. Happy Birthday to you :)

Ben- you are such a good boy. I knew that you knew how to work hard :) Keep it up! Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

CJ- GET WELL SOON! Oh man. I'm glad everything is okay.

Nathan- Are you a good cook? I love you!

Elder Ison- I can't wait to hear you speak French. My English accent is still horrible so don't expect much there. :-P

Sister Besso- I love you! Thank-you soooo much for the book! I hope you are well.

Sister Arnquist and Sister Bower- Thank-you so much for the post, I'll write back soon.

Everyone else- I love you!

Sister Ison

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