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Doctrine and Covenants 4: 1-7

1 Now behold, a marvelous work is about to come forth among the children of men.

2 Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

3 Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work;

4 For behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;

5 And faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work.

6 Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence.

7 Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Amen.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

Dear Friends and Family,
Oh my goodness, where does the time go? I can't believe that it's 2009 already!
Last Sunday was a good day! Wow, that seems so long ago.... We went to Watford for a Stake Sacrament Meeting. It was pretty amazing because there were 3 confirmations in the Stake. 2 in Hayes and 1 in Aylesbury. I loved it! Then we watched a talk by Bruce R. McConkie about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It was amazing. Milena came with Sis. Terceno, so that was really good. Then after church we went to the Bueno's for lunch and she made her amazing Chicken Stroganof again just because I liked it so much last time :) I love the Bueno family. Then we went back to the church and met with Reon, and he told us he would like to be baptised! Well, he told Sister Strunk because I still couldn't hear most of what he was saying, but she told me that he said that just before he met us he was on a bus and this woman told him that he needed to get closer to God. Then when he got off the bus I stopped him and told him we had a message about God for him. I thought that was pretty cool. He's scheduled to be baptised on the 7 February. Then we stopped by to see Jane and got to talk to her a little bit. She's experiencing soooo much opposition. I really don't know how we can help her family. It makes me sad. Then we went to see the Terceno's and they fed us dinner. It was really good, as usual and we taught Milena about the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love Milena. She's soooo adorable.
Monday morning we saw Jason. We taught him about Tithing and Fasting. He was a little distracted and grumpy because he was tired, but it was still a pretty good lesson. Then in the afternoon we went to see Kingsley. His wife was there, and she seemed a little less opposed to us, and we taught the Plan of Salvation. It was a really good lesson. The more we see Kingsley the better it gets. I love it! Then in the evening we went to the Toffoletti's for family home evening. I love spending time with the Toffoletti's so much. And Meena (Jasmine) opened up more to us, and was playing with us. It was really funny though because at the end of the lesson we asked the Toffoletti's if there was anything we could do for them, and Meena said, "Go home!" It was pretty classic.
Then Tuesday we had District Meeting. Elder Stockton is my District leader again. Haha, it's always weird when the District changes though. We brought loads of chocolate to District Meeting hoping to get rid of some of our Christmas goodies, but we actually came home with more chocolate than we brought! So that plan backfired, haha. Then after district meeting we saw Jason and got him ready for his interview. He did really well, and we gave him a little countdown for his baptism, and he's super excited. It was also soooo precious, because when he said the closing prayer he quoted part of the first baptismal interview question, and said, "Please bless that I can know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God the, the Savior, and Redeember of the world." Then we went to visit Icilda, and she had missed us :) It's nice to feel loves :-P Then we went to see Milena again, and talked to her with the "For the Strength of Youth" about the Prophet and the Word of Wisdom. She has no problem :) Then we went back home and I got a blessing from Brother Parish, Brother Donyina, and Brother Mamuto because my head had really been hurting me since my ears had been all plugged, and it was really nice. Then we spent the evening with the Parish's (who we live with) and learned a bit about the history of the area, so that was actually quite interesting.
Wednesday we saw the Brezzo's. I love the Brezzo's. They are a cute family. And in the evening we went to the Donyina's and Sister Donyina cleaned my ears. It was miraculous! She had this way awesome machine that just pumped water into my ears in little jets, and the ear wax came out. It was like a high tech version of what mom does for me :) . Then we had some food and a little gathering with the Donyina's, Valentine, Ebow, and Felix, and some of Sister Donyina's Cousins. Then Sister Strunk and I went home and went to bed like normal at 10:30, but then we woke up and 11:55 to see in the new year, watched a few fireworks out the window, and then went back to bed (because I was exhausted, haha).
Thursday in the morning we studied a bit for Sister Strunk's driving test which is coming up. Then we went to visit Lydia. Then we went to visit Milena, and had a really nice New Year's dinner. We had Pork as well :) Then in the evening we visited Halyey, Agnes, and the Matenda's. It was good.
Friday morning Jason had his baptism interview. He was so cute, he came out of the interview jumping up and down saying, "I passed the test!" He's so excited for his baptism. We spent the rest of the day finding and planning.
Saturday in the morning we saw Reon with Ola. He told us that he's very excited for his Baptism. We taught him the Word of Wisdom, and he told us the only thing he likes is his tea, but that he can give that up :) . I'm excited about him. Then we saw Charles Micheal, and he promised to read and pray, so that was a good lesson. Then we had the most amazing lesson at Kingsley's house with Rose. Teaching Kingsley with Rose is a prime example of why we bring members to lessons. We taught Kingsley the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and every concern Rose was able to resolve. Kinglsey and Rose are from the same tribe in Nigeria, and like Kingsley, before Rose joined the church she spent her time going from pentacostal church to pentacostal church only to be disappointed in the end. When we asked Kingsley to be baptised he said that he and his family had already been baptized. Then Rose jumped in and started to talk about all those Pentacostal churches, and how they have false doctrine, and false pastors, preachers, and prophets. She talked about how they have no authority and how it didn't matter if he had been baptised 100 times, unless it was by the right authority. She said it with more force than Sister Strunk and I could have ever said, because we have never experienced what it is like to go from church to church and find out they were false. It was pretty awesome, and it got even better, because after Rose had finished, Kingsley looked at her and said, "I understand what you are saying." Then he turned and looked at us, and said, "And to your question...yes." It was pretty spectacular. So now Kingsley is also scheduled to be baptised on the 7 February. Then in the evening we got to finally see Cecelia! She has moved into a new house, and she seems much happier there. She really liked everything we taught about the plan of salvation and she likes the Book of Mormon. She wants to invited some of her friends to be taught by us. It was a good lesson.
Sunday was amazing! Jason, Milena, Lillo!, and a guy named Patrick (who called us and asked if he could come to church!) all came to church. Also, Kingsley came and he brought his 9 year old son! And to put a cherry on top of our already amazing sacrament meeting attendence, Prince's wife, Stacey, and their two children came to church for the very first time. It was amazing. The program was fantastic, and Felix and Henrietta blessed their little baby Chenelle (sp?), and Lisa (their other little daughter) was sooo excited. Testimony meeting was amazing. It was the first time that Kingsley had come to sacrament meeting, and he told us that he LOVED it! It was a really good day. Then afterwards we went to Felix and Henrietta's for lunch, and met some of their friends from Haye's ward, so that was cool. Then we went for dinner at Prince's house, and both he and Stacey actually sat and ate with us (usually we eat on our own). It was super awesome, and the food was amazing as usual. We also found out that Prince in his language is named Ohennaba (sp?), which means the Chief's child (Ohenna- cheif ba- child) (aka the Prince, hence his name being Prince in English). He's respected in Ghana as a Prince as well. It's pretty cool. Then in the evening we went to see Milena again. She's doing really well, and she really likes church :) .
So that was my week! I'm running out of time so I have to be quick.

Mom- You are amazing. Sounds like a really good week. I'm glad you got the package. I'm excited about Andrew and Zach as well. I was wondering if you would send me (maybe by post?) their addresses, as well as the addresses of everyone who wrote a Christmas testimony for me. Thanks!

Dad- I can't believe CJ is filling out University applications! Madness! They have to stop growing up soon!

Ben- I loved my presents! I hope you like yours! I'll need a copy of your talk. I still need copies of mom and dad's talks too!

Nathan- Happy New Year! I'm sorry about your computer. Be happy!

Elder Ison- It sounds like your Christmas was pretty Legit.

Mike- Congratulations!!!!! I'll give Jonathan your message as well.

Everyone Else- Happy New Year! I love you all!

Sister Ison

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